Planning ahead for 2024

Planning ahead for 2024

Someone once told me they never set goals which means they never fail… this strikes me as a very odd outlook because on the same basis you would never succeed either.

I think the whole tradition of New Year’s Resolutions has a lot to do with this attitude because they have almost become a parody of themselves whereby you set such lofty objectives, with perhaps the best intentions, but inevitably by mid-January they are out of the window.

We all know that our goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-based), but we can sometimes lose sight of the fact that on a fundamental level they should simply be realistic…

So when it comes to planning for 2024, whether you are looking at your personal development or your business, it’s good to start and end with the question – is this realistic?

Now, it’s important to say that I don’t mean easily achievable to the point where it requires no effort and is therefore not at all motivational. But it should be something you genuinely believe you can complete within an acceptable time period.

With that in mind, another important thing to do when planning and setting goals is to review – set a few points between now and your achievement date where you can check on your progress and check on whether the goal posts have moved.

The problem a lot of people face when setting goals is that life is not a static thing. What looked realistic in January, may well seem less so in March because of world events or other factors out of your control. So be prepared to make some adjustments to your goals if necessary.

One final element to setting realistic goals is to pay attention to how many you set. This will be different for everyone and depend on a number of factors, what your goals are and your capacity. Setting too many goals will inevitably lead to having too little time to spend on each one and seriously hamper your ability to achieve them.

Whether you plan to grow your business, develop your skills in a particular area, or even exit your business in 2024… I wish you every success.


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