Planners and Searchers: Intro to ETHOS; Lessons of the Trinity
William Easterly gave no much thought for political correctness when he discussed the failure of #bureaucracies and all the powers that be, to save the most desperate situations in the #poorest communities of the world. Once a bureaucrat himself, he made many anecdotes citing how and why the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, #IMF, the United Nations, #UN, #USIAD, and so many other bodies have failed woefully in their mandates.
“They are Planners- and they like to plan,” He barked at them severally. They never learn from past mistakes because all they ever knew was to make big plans. Conversely, he told the story of how Searchers, people, bureaucrat, or just anybody who cared to make change- was able to record success. Searchers don’t assume to know beforehand. They learn the knotty rope, one at a time. The problems of the world are too complex and big planners should get off the horse and stop acting like they can fix it, because they can’t.
In short, this is the message of ETHOS; Lessons of the Trinity, a book which I have written eleven years before coming across Easterly’s ideas, but I am no #Economist, neither have I access to hundreds of literatures about #planning, or have in bag, the experience which makes #Easterly so convinced in the fallibility of the world’s best staffed international organizations. How did I come to similar conclusion with so little insight? By considering that thing by which it is said, everything was made. ETHOS discusses the nature of reason, reality, like the scientist, but knitted together the words using religion, philosophy, linguistics, and human biochemistry to declare that the world is missing something. And this is the reason why there is so much #policy failure in almost all endeavors of public administration.
Consider the prospect. If we are able to understand these little details with which we are already familiar- and learn the lesson of the #Trinity like the scientist, we might be able to achieve success in public administration. This is why I am excited that you are subscribed to finding out what this is. I assure you it will be a worthy insight as it unravels in the weeks ahead.
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