A Plain and Simple Truth Special Report: WHY The Super Rich and Wealthy Are Building/Preparing Underground Bunkers?
How the Super Rich are preparing with Bunkers

A Plain and Simple Truth Special Report: WHY The Super Rich and Wealthy Are Building/Preparing Underground Bunkers?

"Is it the fear of a Nuclear War or the Return of JESUS CHRIST?"

Well I really believe and think it is a combination of both! This sort of thing was already prophesied in Scripture to occur and take place in these END TIMES! But mainly for THIS REASON:

"And the kings of the earth (the wealthy monarchy) and the great men (the GLOBAL ELITE), and the rich men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks (or underground bunkers and caves) of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne (JESUS), and from the WRATH of the Lamb (Christ): For the GREAT day of His wrath is come; and who will be able to stand?" Revelation 6:15-17.

And also this scripture: "And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for FEAR of the LORD, and for the glory of His majesty when He ariseth to shake terribly the earth. In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats; To go into the clefts of the rocks, for FEAR of the LORD, and for the glory of His majesty, when He ariseth to shake terribly the earth." Isaiah 2:19-21: I truly feel that this will really be the reason because God had intended and made sure the prophet Isaiah to write the phrase: "He ariseth to shake terribly the earth" TWICE for EMPHASIS!

According to an article from a well known NEWS source:

These billionaire preppers are planning for the apocalypse. Here's why:

Some tech billionaires are convinced that the end of the world is just around the corner

When Douglas Rushkoff was invited to speak to a group of mega-rich tech elite at a private desert resort, he thought he'd come fully prepared.

He was wrong.

Rushkoff, an author, theorist and professor at the City University of New York, had been asked to present an address on "the future of technology".

For his services, Rushkoff was offered an exorbitant fee — about a third of his annual professor's salary — along with flights and a three-hour limo ride to the mystery location.

The Drawing Room

"[When I arrived], instead of bringing me out onto a stage, they brought these five guys into this green room where I was getting ready. And they said, 'this is it'," he tells them "Really THIS IS IT?"

The small group was from the "upper echelon of the tech investing and hedge fund world" and?at least two were billionaires.

Initially, Rushkoff was peppered with a few innocuous questions.

"They asked me all the typical questions that tech investors ask, like, 'what's better, Bitcoin or Ethereum? Virtual reality or augmented reality?'" he says.

But then the real conversation started. It became clear why Rushkoff had?been summoned to the desert.

"How do I maintain authority over my security force after 'the event'?" one of the men asked.

New Zealand or Alaska?

Rushkoff says 'the event' is an euphemism for the end of society — which could be?"environmental collapse, social unrest, nuclear explosion, solar storm, a very dangerous unstoppable virus, or malicious computer hack that takes everything down".

These five men were mega-rich preppers?who were convinced that society could collapse at any moment, and were keen to get Rushkoff's expert opinions and to pick his brain on how to survive and thrive.

One asked which was the?better location for a doomsday bunker:?New Zealand or Alaska?

Others already had their bunkers ready and security guards on standby.

More questions came about these guards, like 'How would you pay them once crypto was worthless? What would stop them from eventually choosing their own leader? Perhaps robot guards would be better?'

Some tech bros already have?bunkers and guards ready to join?them after 'the event'.

"For [most of] the hour, it was all 'Walking Dead' type of scenarios," Rushkoff says, referring to the zombie apocalypse media franchise.

But Rushkoff couldn't really help. Yes, he's an expert in "human autonomy in a digital age" but reckons he's much more of a "Marxist media theorist" than a futurist.

As the?awkward meeting went on, this professor came to one big conclusion about?"the wealthiest, most powerful people I've ever been with".

"I started to see them as kind of pathetic," he says.

Not alone

Rushkoff's strange desert meeting got him thinking about why some of the most privileged people in the world are expecting everything to come crashing down.

He wrote about the experience for Medium, then followed it up with a new book, Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires.

Turns out the five men that Rushkoff spoke with are not alone in planning this dramatic escape.

There's the PayPal co-founder, Trump-supporting, libertarian Peter Thiel, who is one of several billionaires that has obtained New Zealand citizenship and bought remote plots of land there.

In August, Thiel's plans were stymied when New Zealand's Queenstown Lakes District Council rejected his plans to build a bunker-like lodge.

A New Zealand council has stymied Peter Thiel's plans to build a luxury lodge in Wanaka.

Then there are?'seasteaders', who are convinced that building structures far out in international waters is the best 'out' from the rest of humanity.

As Rushkoff writes?in his new book: "In the Minecraft-meets-Waterworld future envisioned by 'aquapreneurs', wealthy people are to live in independent, free-floating city-states".

The Seasteading Institute, co-founded by Patri Friedman (who is the grandson of free-market economist Milton Friedman), aims to "build and to create startup communities that float on the ocean with any measure of political autonomy".

One company called Vivos has tapped into this mega-rich doomsday anxiety, selling luxury underground apartments in converted Cold War-era facilities.

Think a former missile silo, now complete with pool and movie theatre.

And Rushkoff says the idea isn't limited to physical structures.

He points out how both Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos want to go to space and Mark Zuckerberg has his virtual metaverse, which he calls other variations of "escape hatches" from the rest of us.

"Ray Kurzweil, one of the chief scientists at Google, his main objective is to build a computer that can house his brain," he says.

Above everybody else?

Rather than focus just only on the quirks of the tech billionaires and all of their doomsday plans, Rushkoff is much more interested in the outlook and systems that led these people to such far-fetched ideas.

Douglas Rushkoff inadvertently fell into the world of mega-rich doomsday preppers.

In his writings, he came up with a term for this Silicon Valley escapism: the Doom Mindset.

"I think most simply put, the Doom Mindset…is simply about how much money and technology do I need to escape from the reality that I'm creating, by using money and technology in this way," he says.

"They see themselves as gods". Stewart Brand, one of the early counter-culture tech heroes said, 'We are as gods and may as well get good at it'. And these guys have taken him literally." I believe these man took up this mind concept after reading this scripture: "They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: ALL the foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said, Ye are gods; and ALL of you are children of the most High (by creation). But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes (Archangel Lucifer)." Psalm 82:5-7.

"It's a mindset where you become this sovereign individual, above everybody else."

"In some ways, I feel like this is their fantasy. It's not that they're making plans, it's that they almost have a wish to just simply get away from the rest of us, by any means necessary,"?Rushkoff says.

The grim irony

He says the grim irony is that these tech billionaires are closely intertwined with, and benefiting from, systems which are indeed ravaging the planet.

He points to the dangers of the "violent, extractive, growth-based capitalism" ideal, specifically big business' addiction to exponential growth.

"When you have to keep paying back your investors, 100 times, or a thousand times, you've got to grow your company so much, that you need to do pretty much anything at all to keep growing," Rushkoff says.

This addiction to growth is "accelerating the rate at which the planet gives up on us [and] it becomes unlivable",?he says.

Douglas Rushkoff says humanity's current trajectory is unsustainable.

And he says even well-meaning billionaires sometimes just don't get it.

"I've talked to a lot of these tech bros by now. You take a tech bro and you send them to Burning Man or down to South America and let them do ayahuasca.

They come back, saying, 'Oh my gosh, I have the plan now to save civilization and create ecologically renewable cities'."

"[They say] 'all we've got to do is clear cut that forest and put in my dome and my solar panels'."

'Lords above the rest of us'

Over the course of his desert meeting, Rushkoff tried to impart some of his ideas about growth and sustainability, and "very critically", focusing on the present, to the tech billionaires.

"I said, 'The way to keep your head of security from shooting you when you're in the bunker together later is to pay for his daughter's Bat Mitzvah today'."?

"The way to prevent the calamity, the catastrophe, is to just start treating other people better now."

"But that's not the (Freemasonic/Jesuit) American way. That's certainly not the way of the Doom Mindset…They want to lord above the rest of humanity."

So what is Rushkoff's main message for humanity?

"Well, people are going to hate this. But really, it's the old fashioned kind of stuff. We need to realize we're all in this together, and we can just do less of this crap, we can become more local and more social…I think really the object of the game is to really change what we look at as success."

And specifically?to these tech bros: "[Ask] how can I roll my sleeves up and do make this world better?" But this off course is "wishful thinking" on Rushkoff's part due to the fact that humanity's TRUE "human nature" is really and truly so wickedly messed up, discombabulated and just simply "out of Whack"! and this is why I feel that they are so terrified at facing the GREAT judge JESUS CHRIST! So they want to HIDE from Him! Although since they know the Bible well (just like Satan does) They will arguebly quote you this Scripture: "A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple (and the poor) pass on, and are punished." Proverbs 22:3. Then there's this article from CBC News:

From luxury bunkers to tactical vehicles, how the Super ultra-rich are preparing for the Big One!

Builders of fortified homes say inquiries and applications are up in recent years.

In December, Wired magazine revealed that Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta and one of the richest individuals on the planet, was already building a $100-million US compound in Hawaii.

The fact that Zuckerberg is undertaking a nine-figure renovation of his lovely and nice island home is hardly revelatory. The more telling detail is that the compound includes a bunker — 5,000 square feet, to be specific, with concrete walls and an escape hatch.

What does this tell us? It's?a sign that at least some of?the ultra-rich are anxious about global events and are making contingency plans for the Big One — The END! or whatever form that may take.

The feeling is very much in the air. Architectural Digest named "luxury bunkers" one of the real estate trends of 2024, and a finely appointed redoubt figured prominently in the recent Netflix thriller Leave the World Behind.

Brian Cramden, president of Hardened Structures, a Virginia-based firm that only builds multimillion-dollar fortified homes and bomb shelters, said work has been "steady" for years but that he has seen a "major uptick in the last past two, three months."

"With Putin and North Korea and what's going on in Gaza, I'm getting lots and lots of inquiries," he said. "It's [wars], it's Trump, the "gloom of the END" it's the divisiveness of the nation."

Cramden said the most commonly cited threats include a breakdown of law and order; the detonation of a nuclear weapon; a hostile power activating an electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) to disrupt the communications network; and also the fear of diffuse effects of climate change.

Vivos, a California-based company that provides "shelter solutions," told CBC "inquiries and applications are up over 2,000 per cent year over year."

A history of taking shelter

The concept of a bunker goes back to antiquity. It was a place where someone could store precious belongings away from "warring factions and social unrest, but also the environment," said Bradley Garrett, a cultural geographer based in California and the author of Bunker: Building for the End Times.

He said the notion of a shelter as an architectural form started to emerge during the Second World War. As the Cold War evolved, governments began to really dig very deep underground to build increasingly elaborate bunkers. Some, like Canada's famed Diefenbunker, were meant to protect political and VIP elites, but in many cases they were intended to house ordinary citizens in the case of a real nuke attack.?

Take a tour of the Diefenbunker Museum ahead of its upcoming renovation

Ottawa’s Diefenbunker museum, built in 1959 to house officials in the event of a nuclear attack, will receive $600,000 in federal funding to upgrade its facilities, including adding Algonquin to its audio guide languages.

Sure, some middle-class "preppers" also built shelters in their backyards, but they couldn't match the scale and grandeur of those state-sponsored projects. That changed in the early 2000s, said?Garrett, when more expansive private bunkers started to proliferate.?

He believes it's the result of two factors: the end of the Cold War and also the runaway wealth of the world's elite.?

"You've got a lot of people (just about 1% of the population though) with large and incredible amounts of money who are now capable of buying those bunkers that were built by governments," he said.

Companies like Hardened Structures and Vivos handle all aspects of the unique very expensive "fortified" construction, from the architectural design to most of the engineering, which typically means making it blast-resistant, airtight, difficult for invaders to breach and capable of generating its own power.?

Garrett said the most elaborate bunker he found while researching his book is the Survival Condo, located in a former missile silo in Kansas. Built around 2010 by a property developer who used to work for the US Department of Defence, this "nuclear-hardened" structure features walls up to 2? metres?thick and can house between 36 and 75 people.

In addition to providing each unit with a five-year supply of "freeze-dried and dehydrated survival food," the complex contains an indoor pool, a classroom, a library and two floors of hydroponic gardens to "provide fresh produce." It also has filtered air and water supplies. Units go for between $1.5 million and $3 million.

A privileged clientele

That's fairly cheap compared to the offerings of Swiss-based Oppidum, which specializes in building "ultra-luxury fortified underground residences" anywhere in the world. It has a number of swishy options, including Model D'Heritage ("the ultimate bespoke sanctuary"), a five-bedroom unit that's 12,000 square feet, and includes a pool and home theatre and starts at $60 million US. Tom Grimela, the company's head of communications, told CBC News that all "Oppidum's luxury bunkers are not just about survival. They are about maintaining a quality of life and peace of mind in any circumstance."

Camden said Hardened Structures has become so busy that the company passes on projects of less than $1 million US.

It has been involved in projects around the world, including a $90-million bunker in the Middle East and a 100-person shelter in the Canadian Rockies — but that's about as specific, geographically, as he will get.

"One of the tenets of shelter design is you don't want anyone to know about it," he said.?

Client confidentiality for these companies can be so intense that the builders typically only meet with intermediaries such as lawyers.??

"Rarely do I ever actually meet the billionaire client," Cramden said. "And even when you do, they always have aliases."

'Dread merchants'

In the interests of security, the rich are not only investing in subterranean type housing, but they're also buying military-grade vehicles that look like variations of the Batmobile.?

Rezvani Motors — another California-based company — produces also a fleet of "tactical urban vehicles"?including the Vengeance, a muscular SUV with seating for seven and "optional bulletproof package." It starts at $285,000 US. NFL wide receiver Tamari Cooper has one.?

The Hercules 6X6 truck built by California-based Rezvani Motors sells for about $400,000 US.

Rezvani's Hercules 6x6 Military Edition has six wheels, as well as safety features such as on-board gas masks, electrified door handles and "underside explosive protection." That will cost you $459,000 US.

"Having security features on a car is something that gives a lot of my clients lots of peace of mind," said Cynthia Karimi, "head of public relations" and of "client relations" at Rezvani Motors, who wouldn't reveal to us how many vehicles the company sells in a year. Her clients "have the resources to give themselves an additional element of protection in their lives," she said, noting "these are the same people, sometimes, who also have bunkers."

While he admits to having a fascination with this type of end-days planning, Garrett is concerned "when the bunker becomes a business proposition." In the book, he calls these companies "dread merchants."

"It's not just the space that they're selling, it's the narrative that they're selling," he said. "It's in the interest of these bunker builders…to sell you a story about how horrible things are and about how the world is falling apart and so that you'll buy into their scheme."

Grimela sees it differently. Oppidum's "clients are forward-thinking individuals who understand the value of preparedness in an unpredictable world," and on spending millions on a luxury fallout shelter "reflects a broader trend among a ultra-high-net-worth individuals towards prioritizing security and resilience in their personal and financial planning strategies."

Individual protection

While the rich may have the resources, they can't predict the future. They can only anticipate the challenges.

In a 2022 piece for the Gurdian, technology pundit Douglas Rushkoff talked about attending a highly secretive gathering with ultra-wealthy people who wanted to pick his brain about how to prepare for "the event." They peppered him with questions not only about shelters, but also the wisdom of acquiring mercenary armies and where on Earth they were likely to be most safe.

His conclusion: "Their extreme wealth and privilege served only to make them obsessed with insulating themselves from the very real and present danger of climate change, rising sea levels, mass migrations, global pandemics, nativist panic and resource depletion. For them, the future of technology is about only one thing: escape from the rest of us."

As Garrett points out, collaboration is likely to be the winning strategy in any post-apocalyptic scenario.

"Community is really important, because no one person can have all the skills that you need to be able to survive an event," he said.?

"Think about locking yourself in a bunker for three years, let's say...There's some terrible event happening outside and you get a tooth infection. I mean, unless you're a dentist, the likelihood that you can solve that problem is extremely low."

Vivos addresses this with its xPoint Compound (obviously a "Masonic inspired" compound I know by the "X") in South Dakota, which is a bunker community of 575 units built on a former US military base.?

"Vivos is not merely about concrete, steel and blast doors. It is about having a backup plan for mankind to survive and for families to have the opportunity to potentially be part of a like-minded community as these events unfold," said Dante Vicino, director of operations at Vivos xPoint, in an email to CBC.

This is a more recent development, said Garrett.

"You see people now building these bunker communities, where their goal is to get people that have complementary skills to move in with each other," he said.?

"There's a kind of matchmaking process that I find totally fascinating."

The Bottom Line

In my own opinion what I see happening here is that ALL of these wicked and perverse Satanic ELITE Billionaires out there are terribly "frightened" because they know that "Judgment Day" is coming and sooner that they THINK! This is why they have been in such a HURRY to build ALL of these Bunkers, Compounds and Shelters ALL OVER THE WORLD! They know and understand the "SIGNS OF THE TIMES" we're living in and know that the "KING OF KINGS" and the "LORD of LORDS" is soon approaching to this world!

And they know that "TOTAL DESTRUCTION" is soon coming upon THEM! So they try to HIDE from God's PUNISHMENT and WRATH upon those of the WICKED of the earth. WHY You ask? Because of this scripture: "God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day." Psalm 7:11. And also this one:

"The wicked shall be turned into hell (the lake of fire), and ALL the nations that forget (and disobey) God." Psalm 9:17. And all of these WICKED billionaires are building all these bunkers and fortresses in VAIN!

"For the (strong) arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the LORD upholdeth the righteous. The LORD knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied. But the wicked (RICH and WEALTHY billionaires) shall perish, and the (Satanic ELITE) enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away." Psalm 37:17-20. Verse 22: "For such as be blessed of Him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of Him shall be cut off."

Verse 28: "For the LORD loveth judgment, and forsaketh not His saints; they are preserved for ever: but the (Reptilian EVIL) seed of the wicked (Cain) shall be cut off." Again He repeats this twice: "But the trangressors shall be destroyed together: the END of the wicked shall be cut off."

But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: He is their strength in the time of trouble.

And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them all from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him (and NOT in men's underground bunkers and hidden fortifications)." Psalm 37:38-40

The Supernatural Protection of the Saints of God.

"The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed (who are His people), a refuge in times of trouble." Psalm 9:9. "The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?" I FEAR NO ONE AND NOTHING as God's TRUE Minister! The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked (cannibal zombies), even mine enmies and my foes, came upon me (David) to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though an host (a mighty army) should encamp against me, my heart (my mind) shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident!" Psalm 27:1-3.

"Thou (God) art my "hiding place"; thou shalt preserve me from (any type of) trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah" Psalm 32:7 "For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy." Psalm 61:3.

"The angel of the LORD encempeth round about them that fear Him (JESUS), and delivereth them." Psalm 34:7. "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them ALL." Psalm 34:19.

"God is our refuge and stegth, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains may be carried into the midst of the sea (due to an unforeseen force from space like a comet or meteor); Though the waters therof roar and be troubled (as is taking place now all over the world), though the mountains shake (in various volcanic eruptions) with the swelling thereof. Selah." Psalm 46:1-3.

Jesus promises protection right in our own homes!

"Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast." Isaiah 27:20. What is the INDIGNATION that Christ is talking about? Well the next verse give us the answer:

"For, behold, the LORD cometh out of His place to punish all the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain." Isaiah 27:21. "Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand." Isaiah 28:2.

So in CONCLUSION WHY are the "Filthy" RICH and WICKED Satanic POWERFUL Billionaire ELITE in a HURRY to build these BUNKERS and COMPUNDS? Because they know Christ is Coming SOON and they have a PACT with the DEVIL! Here is the Biblical PROOF: "Because ye have said, We have made a covenant (or PACT) with death, and with hell (obviously the terrain and the things that pertain to the DEVIL now and what he has authority and POWER over and CONTROLS) are we at AGREEMENT (with him); when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made LIES our refuge, and under FALSEHOOD have we hid ourselves!" Isaiah 28:15.


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