Engineer Turned Behavior Analyst | MS in Electrical Engineering | Pursuing Graduate Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Placement is the process of arranging a set of modules on the layout surface.Each module has fixed shape and fixed terminal locations. A subset of modules may have pre-assigned positions(e.g.,I/O pads,which are located adjacent to the external pins).Depending on the placement wire length might increase so one of the main objectives of placement is to reduce the overall wire length.A good placement can lead to much neater network much shorter wire lengths.
Placement Problem at Different levels
The Problem:
Find rectangular regions R={R1,R2,...} for each of the blocks such that
-Block Bi can be placed in region Ri
-No two rectangles overlap
-Placement is routable
-Total area of rectangle bounding R and Q is minimized
-Total wire length Li is minized
-For high performance circuits, max {Li | i=1,2,...} is minimized
Interconnection Toplogies
The actual wiring paths are not visible during placement. For making an estimation, a placement algorithm needs to be model the topology of the interconnection nets, for this an interconnection graph structure is used,vertices are terminals and edges are interconnections.Estimation of wire length is important.
Estimation of wirelength
The speed and quality of estimation has a drastic effect on the performance of placement algorithm.For two terminal nets, we can use Manhattan distance as an estimate.If the end co-ordinates are (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), the wire length ,
L = |x1-x2| + |y1-y2|
How to estimate length of multi-terminal nets?
- nC2=n(n-1)/2 edges for n-pin set, so 4x3/2
-A tree has (n-1) edges which is 2/n times the number of edges of the complete graph
-Length is estimated as 2/n times the sum of the edge
-Commonly used structure
-Branching allowed only at pin locations
-Easy to compute
-A steiner tree is the shortest route for connecting a set of pins
-A wire can branch from any point along its length
-Problem of finding steiner tree is NP-complte
-Efficient and most widely used
-Finds the smallest bounding rectangle that encloses all the pins to be connected
-Estimated wire length is half the perimeter of this rectangle
-Always underestimates the wire length for congested nets