A Place To Visit, Not To Live, Nostalgia

A Place To Visit, Not To Live, Nostalgia

Nostalgia is a nice place to visit, but a very unproductive place to live in, and this is the closest I could find to my first car, which was a Mazda 929 1976 sports coupe,' and I bought it for $500, and it's now worth over $50k if it had been looked after, not this car above, but bloody close to it (if it didn't have the black stripes down the side it would look identical to it)

Sometimes I miss my first car, and remember all the feelings I felt with it, until I crashed it into a bus, and then it taught me a whole set of other feelings, like regret, shame and guilt.

Whilst the crash itself, being my first and biggest one, was quite scary to be within, I could have used that as an excuse never to drive again, ... and that would have denied myself the experience of all the other cars since, of which have each taught me one after the other.

It's the same in business, I could have stayed on the ground feeling trodden on, and felt sorry for myself and never tried again, ... and that would have denied myself the experience of all what I've learnt in business, in property, in investing and the way to build a network to support my current and future endeavours

It's the same in relationships, I could have stayed feeling rejected in the early days and tried to guilt people into spending time with me like I see so many out there do, ... which would have denied myself so many experiences, that lead to my wife and the experiences we share and create together, and it would have denied myself being able to have an honest person by my side to tell me when I'm being a dickhead or not (which is extremely valuable sometimes lol ) and it would have denied a lot of Kelly's growth as well, not because "we're made for each other" but because we grew together

The battles we face are there to teach us

The battles we face are there to strengthen us

The battles we face are there to enlighten us, and to make us capable of more than we were before the battle

It's up to you if you wish to soldier on, or just wither on the battlefield hoping someone will notice

Statues are made of the leaders, not the whingers', and that's all I needed to know to help myself grow forwards, and I don't want the fucking statue, i just want to achieve most of what I set out to achieve in this lifetime, but I wouldn't' mind buying a replica of that car again, that'd be a nice gift for my efforts, .... later.... when I've achieved what I've got set in my targets for 2037 I'll get one I reckon

#nostalgia #2023 #goals


