A place at Spy School and the Importance of Setting Massive, Seemingly Impossible Goals?
Stew Darling
Former SPY, who now coaches YOU to Live beyond your Limits I Dynamic International Keynote Speaker I Author
"The greatest danger for most of us lies in not setting our aim too high and falling sort but in setting our aim too low, and achieving?our mark" - Michelangelo?
It was a dark rainy night, and I was in a call box waiting for my line to connect to Germany.? I was failing and I needed someone to talk to.? That someone was Liz, who reminded me of my why.? She reminded me that the 24 places on this course were the most coveted.? For the last week I had gone from top student to failing every single exercise.? My overall score was getting dangerously close to breaking through the baseline of three - a sure way to get returned to my unit, a failure.? I'd even committed to getting a place on a future course if I failed this evolution.? My only other option was competing for Great Britain in the luge at the next Winter Olympics.
My goal had been clear, get one of those coveted places at Spy School and .... make it count.?
In the realm of leadership, there exists a dynamic force that propels us towards unprecedented heights of achievement: the art of setting massive, seemingly impossible goals. While conventional wisdom often advocates for realistic and attainable objectives, history is replete with instances of leaders who dared to reach for the stars and, in doing so, reshaped industries, societies, and even the course of human history. There is a profound significance of setting audacious goals, demonstrating that they serve as catalysts for innovation, foster resilience, and galvanize teams towards unparalleled success. One of the most remarkable benefits of setting massive goals is the impetus they provide for innovation. When faced with a challenge that seems insurmountable, leaders and their teams are driven to think outside the box, to explore uncharted territories, and to pioneer groundbreaking solutions. I remember meeting Jim Irwin, the Apollo 15 Lunar Module pilot and 8th man to walk on the moon.? As a part of NASA harnessing the collective brilliance of over 400,000 scientists, engineers, and astronauts to accomplish what was once deemed beyond the realms of human achievement. The legacy of this accomplishment still reverberates today, serving as a testament to the limitless potential of audacious goal setting. Massive goals, by their very nature, demand extraordinary levels of dedication and perseverance. They force leaders and their teams to confront setbacks, adapt to unforeseen challenges, and transcend perceived limitations. In doing so, they cultivate a culture of resilience that permeates throughout an organization. When faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, leaders who have embraced the concept of audacious goal setting inspire their teams to persevere, to reevaluate strategies, and to forge ahead with newfound determination. This resilience becomes a defining trait of high-performance leaders, setting them apart in an ever-evolving landscape. The power of audacious goals lies not only in their capacity to inspire individual achievement, but also in their ability to unify teams towards a common purpose. When we articulate a vision that transcends the boundaries of what is considered achievable, we ignite a collective fire within our teams. Each member becomes a vital piece in the puzzle, contributing their unique skills and perspectives to a shared objective. This sense of shared purpose fosters camaraderie enhances collaboration, and bolsters team morale. Through this unified effort, high-performance leaders propel their teams towards levels of success that would have seemed unimaginable under ordinary circumstances. One of the most formidable barriers to progress is the fear of failure. Many individuals and organizations are hesitant to set audacious goals, fearing the potential disappointment and disillusionment that may accompany a failed endeavour. However, it is essential to recognize that failure is an intrinsic part of any meaningful pursuit. Leaders who set massive goals understand that the journey towards achievement is fraught with challenges, and setbacks are not indicators of defeat, but rather opportunities for growth and learning. By embracing this perspective, high-performance leaders create a culture that not only tolerates failure but views it as an integral stepping stone towards ultimate success. In my experience, setting massive, seemingly impossible goals are the beacons of inspiration and transformation. Through history, audacity propelled humanity towards achievements that surpassed the boundaries of our imagination, leaving an indelible mark on the world. Through the sparks of innovation, the fortitude of resilience, and the unity of purpose, high-performance leaders who embrace audacious goal setting empower their teams to reach unparalleled heights. In doing so, they transcend the constraints of the ordinary and leave an enduring legacy of extraordinary achievement.
From a wee boy who was brought up in a small farming community in Scotland, let us not merely dream of what is possible, but let us dare to reach for the seemingly impossible.
The Vominator - an excerpt from Unstoppable: Living Beyond our Limits.
There were over fifty of us, all ‘on parade’ in our sports kit. I was breathing as if my left lung had slipped out of my backside and been left somewhere on the route along which the physical training instructor had led us. It was lovingly known as ‘THE VOMINATOR’, a hilly circuit through the forest. Our challenge was to complete each circuit faster than our last attempt. No one told us that on the first circuit or we might have attempted to slow the pace a wee bit. Failure to stay with the group resulted in an unsuccessful grading—and a train ticket home, joining the hundreds of applicants who hadn’t even received the invite to throw up. Throughout the physical training epic, there were cerebral tasks to be completed too, and failure to meet the standard received the same result, a train ticket home.
Having prepared for over six months for this week, I still found myself wanting … a lot! We all did, that was the point. We had volunteered for one of the most challenging selection courses in the world but the prize at the end might be a coveted place at ‘spy school’, a step closer to covert operations.
www.unstoppableforce.co.nz #unstoppable #leadthroughlife #unreasonablegoals #impossiblegoals
The THE VOMINATOR sounds awful ??