The Place Of Fear In the Business World

The Place Of Fear In the Business World

The fear of the unknown is such a primal thing that we all understand. We all have experienced it to some degree or another, and yet it’s not something that we think about very often as far as how we can actively combat it.

Everyone has it. There’s not anyone out there that doesn’t have some degree and some level of fear. It doesn’t have to be a full-on terror type of fear.

As we get into this fear and the unknown, and specifically as we discuss it and think about it in the context of business and how we relate to each other, there are unknowns that you will encounter, and those unknowns will cause varying degrees of fear.

At the minimum, it will cause uncertainty, doubt and second-guessing of yourself. In our past, people have gone through fear because of the unknown of our economy. The inflation, the housing market, etc.

Those are all types of different things that are pretty much out of our control and relatively unknown until they are happening. As we can expect, the result of that fear is a breakdown.

It’s a breakdown of decision-making. It’s a breakdown of being able to logically analyze a situation and apply the appropriate behavior in response to it. It moves you into pure emotion.

Fear is an emotion and that emotion, because it is such a strong one in us, becomes all-consuming. It gets rid of empathy, sympathy, compassion and kindness.

Fear has a propensity to just take over you. Maybe when you should be expanding, you start to withdraw. Maybe when you should be hiring more people and pushing sales more, you fire or lay off some people because you are afraid of that payroll.

Those types of things tend to take over, and you start reacting emotionally instead of logically and with intent.

I think that getting a new job is probably in the top three things that cause people anxiety/fear.

You don’t know what the people are going to be like. You don’t know if they are going to like you. You don’t know the hours, the commutes, the salary, the long-term benefits, if you are wasting your time, etc.

This unknown factor is really just because you haven’t had a chance to experience success in that thing. You haven’t had a chance to get into it.

Take that time, learn those lessons and have that success. I’m not afraid anymore of riding a motorcycle because I have had success doing it before.

Our responsibility as leaders is to help alleviate that fear and help the people that we are in charge of get past that.

There is a point where there is a leap of faith, not knowing what’s on the other side. All those types of leaps of faith, theoretically and usually are based on some sort of determination of experience and success based on somebody else’s success.

It’s not necessarily yourself. I haven’t climbed Everest, but I know if I do these things, train this way, study these people that have done it and take the same trails that the successful people have taken before, the chances of being successful are pretty high.

Doing these things alleviates that unknown. There will probably absolutely still be fear, despite that preparation because it is still unknown to you.

I want to encourage you to use that as a driving force to prepare and as a driving force to acknowledge that fear, the potential shortcomings and blind spots that could be on the way.

Really analyze those versus it turning into some sort of paralysis that causes inaction or wildly inappropriate action.

So, if somebody’s coming into your organization, how do you help them through that process? How do you help them take on new responsibilities that may be unknown to them?

Really, the simple answer is it’s through training. It’s through imparting your vision to them. You are lending them your experience.

No different than if you were the one that had climbed Mount Everest and you are teaching the next guy or gal that wants to do it.

Do they have the actual technical skills and abilities that they need to be successful? Start with that basic training that needs to be answered first before anything else.

You could make an argument that maybe the vision is the first to impart on them, and then once they are bought into that, you start giving them the skills.

Moving on past that, once you have imparted that vision, once you have provided that training, you need to provide that oversight and a method for them to know that you are there for them, should they need your help.

Another part of the unknown factor is wondering if you have the ability and resources to reach back and get the support you need if you run into something that you haven’t been trained for.

Your employees have accepted the journey. They are willing to do it despite their fear and the unknown, but they know that there will be further unknowns and encounters that you just can’t anticipate.

By providing that support and that methodology of how they should get help in those scenarios, it goes tremendously in alleviating those fears and doubts that they may be having.

So I wanted to encourage you, as people come into your world and into your sphere of influence to conquer that fear of the unknown to where it doesn’t control you, but you can actually use it and be successful.

What are some ways that you, as the leader, have helped people through those unknowns? Leave it in the comments, let us know.

As we share these collective experiences and learn from one another, that just goes to lessen the unknowns out there and we know who we can reach back to for help.

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