Place brand leadership & meta-2020s

Place brand leadership & meta-2020s

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We welcome your brainpower to arguably the most exciting action learning curves of all time: UC began 1865 Switzerland; within our diaries Artificial Intel (AI) dialogues started 1945 with Von Neumann; strangely these possibilities for humanity only started to be linkein to every education & codes map of the United Nations 2016 .. were you there at September meeting UN HQ where that began - have you the full diary of progress in Uniting 8 billiion brains and almost infinite Art Intel since then. 23cvmac.docx

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Happy 2023 to UniversityofStars and all alumni of Pele. Do you live in a place where under30s own sustainability-opportunirty- futures of most of the value they create through arts, fashions. sports, stars, growng human intellects that demand support from AI? Today many people claim to have diarised how peoples do place branding.

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NEW UNI - first 4 by 2001: - mandela virtually free; Abed 1billionwomens UofStars; GlobalUPoverty...

You can find our work began with the rather obvious case of singapore 1988- a place where everyones lives have been enrichened over generations since the nation's birth - almost everyone is middle class. One of the first places to demand that ai curriculum include design by teachers of kindergarten girls up AIsingapore (clue at same time redesign how maths is taught!!) Today we might wonder what would happen if organisation of american states rebranded organisation of Pele States ( see also models of places where the domiant media is tele1 tele2 web1,2 ---or how about 2020s meta-defi-web3-ed3-Un2-egov )

We launched benchmarking singpaore place branding at a time when father was leaving 40 years at The Economist as inter alia von neumann's quizmaster of what goods can people mediate with 100 times more tech per decade. (see also Economist surveys year of brand - all futures now depend on auditing trust of brand leafer purpose- death of brand manager- any comoany with a brand wortk anything needs that as board level soceital responsbility not just a 90 days paper chase) -see my second book published with Economist intel Unit Brand Chartering

So we formed various subnetworks of something we cal;ed world class brands (which I also weore up as a book). We wanted to limkin people who partly agreed with naomi klein. We believed big brands were becomeing the most powerful leadership platforms in the world but unlike her movement to oppose them we wanted to linkin those who wanted to do god with media. Of course good is a gut call but the economist was founded around emdiationg 1843 goods (2 primary goals of human community cooperation ) end poverty and end hunger wherever the next girl or boy is born.

Not every 1/1000 of humans can be a singapore. While it wasnt at all obvious when britain suddenly told lee kuan yew that his peoples were on his own its the nuber 1 cross seas spot in the pacifuc ocean around wg=hich world trade of at least 70% of humans depend most. As fae as I can estimate a maximum of 20% of peop[le have mainly depended on the atlantic world. I leave 10% to declare potentially other waterways as most vital to them -eg hopefully soem care about equality around the arctic circle - which is integrated with all of nature's climate plans (unless you can show me a model in which it sint).

I am not an expert in any one practice from machine energy to food (human energy) to health's last mile service, to growing child or adult minds but I am a cambridge MA in statistics- and I was in the first gen of gradutate Euripoean (1973) to use computers as much as human brain power every second of work My dad had 22 years of advance curisi=ity on me; as he had met von neumann in 1951 and been asked whether Economist journalists would severely test leaders on what goods could humans unite with 100 times more tech per decade

so what other examples of place branding can we all search

un giv 2.0 since 2016 part of jim kim rankings of natiosn by how much they valued human capital- connections between the first 5 von neumann humans Ai corridors existing by 1962 reported from The Economist 1962 as Swiss corroidor sinec 1865 tele1 (league on nations with eie=nstein coop intel without borders 1920s) -itu as tech digita twin of Un NY birthed 19545

Hpapan coastal corroidor - published teh economist 1962 secodned byJohn F Kennedy within 2 weeks

Staford Valley soon rebranded as moore law silcon valley - litterally the most visible place of 100 timemes ore tech per decade

stanford had been twinned by mac at teh atsrt of 1960s with neumanns favorite open source corridor princeton north to boston miut via eg ibm ddec yale xerox

and of cousre tehre was the princeto south corridor - of space and goverenment - as we now from his 1945 confession to his wife - it was this cooridor that both scared him and had hastened his death- my lifes 2 projects: energy will meake scientts the most hated and msot wanted people in teh world; my other projectbthe computer wil become even more dangerous

there is one point to note if you are an alumni of the goats of natehmatics- they used the term artifivial intelligence to inyterate teh elgacy of every tech their cooperation had accelerated from 1945 on; for example avademics who demand ethical ai as a separate subject might as well live with the man on the moon- the maths consequences of computaional analytic power are now evetywhere that satellite telecpms beams up and dpown; we design artic=ficial intels into every act we learn syrufy and do busienss with or we go the way of teh dodo because today our global connectivity system designs compete with nature but its her eveolutionary rules thatoplatform all teh world's a stage ( a poor player ; our rights to be or not to be)

Rgerefore what we have elarnt abiut place brands is that whatever else they dmeaite 5 developments matter:

educating mathematicains foror humanity

exactly how under 30s and over 30s (the 2 generational halves of our species) sopend tgheir time ekarning and teaching

how the tech of telecoms from 1865 has spiralled

how every other aitech has spiralled since eg numann eisntein turing mapped new worlds which they called the kamnraige of intelects artificial and human

game on where do people in addition to some of the preliminary searches above

for example suppose you are a world heritage site - are you among the best or worst of place barnd; it depends if all your peo[el unite and cooperate with like minded sould who wany to boost your natural resource as win-win worldwide; this is where meta comes in at least educationally; now instead of toyrists flying in all over the world you ca =n vet who you really need to visist by making sure they help you pioneer virtual.augmented reality expereince sof your green wonder; ther'e no longer need to send postcard of wish you were heer- anyone who really cares about a green met-asset can linkin theor worldwide peers to a virtual reality expereince which mentally is as real as being in teh place and as the ai increaslingly practice all 5 human senses simulate ever more real expereinces; back in 1972 the most exciting use of mini coputers was somputer aided desigh and simulation - now you could pilot a new plane design (for example) on a simulatir before going to the skies; from eg steve jobs famous 1984 launch - yes compuetrs went personal but that doesnt mean that anyone could make best apps of it - you still needed a maths or engineering degree to know whether what was being coded wa real or fake- see our guide to future decisions we the peopels needed to mediate from 0ur 1984 publication 2025report


Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab的更多文章

