On Pizza By the Slice
I don't think there's a metaphor in this one, I think it's just about pizza. But, we'll see. Just here each week speakin' my truth!
I was born and half-raised in New York, so I've got loud opinions about pizza. In most domains, I acknowledge that there's more than one right answer, but when it comes to pizza, I just downright think I know better. So this week, I'm jotting down the advice I give to Californian friends and unsuspecting strangers in line as I wax poetic about what makes good pizza.
First off, I've come to realize that slices are better than pies. And, if you're not sure what I mean by a pie in this context, feel free to ask a neighbor. If a "pizza joint" sells slices, it's likely to be a better pizza joint. And, if they have both and you're given the choice, get the slice.
Why? They put the slices back in the oven for a bit, crisping the crust. It's a part of the magic. And, if they're experienced enough to know that, there are likely other things they've come to learn too. So, pizza-by-the-slice places are better than pie-only places, and slices are better than pies.
Good pizza can be simple. I sat down next to another connesiour, and we each had a cheese slice along with our other slice. If the pizza's good, you don't need junk on it. Cheese is fine. Pepperoni is pretty good too.
Crappy pizza needs toppings.
Ranch dressing? On your pizza? Not in my house.
Contrary to other opinions, there are good ones outside of NYC and pineapple is an acceptable topping. T favorites:
Alright, thanks for indulging me as I write about pizza.