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By: Sara Ipatenco
Pizza is truly a universal food that almost everyone enjoys. Not all pizza is created equal though. Some slices are a nutritious addition to your diet while others are nutritional nightmares. Knowing the difference between a healthy piece of pizza and an unhealthy one will let you enjoy this much-loved food more often and guilt-free.
Does Pizza Contain Gluten?
Gluten is a protein that's found in wheat, rye and barley, as well as foods made with these ingredients. Traditional pizza crust is made with white or wheat flour, so these varieties do contain gluten. Though you don't have many choices when it comes to gluten-free pizza, it does exist in certain supermarkets or at restaurants offering a gluten-free menu. If the crust is made with rice, soy, potato or bean flours, it doesn't contain any gluten. Most toppings, including cheese, tomato sauce and vegetables, are naturally gluten-free.
Does Pizza Have Vitamin K?
Vitamin K plays a crucial role in helping your blood clot. The vitamin promotes bone health as well. A slice of most kinds of pizza doesn't contribute a significant amount of vitamin K to your diet. Pizza made with a variety of fresh vegetables, such as broccoli and spinach, have a bit more vitamin K but not a huge amount. Fresh pizza is a better choice if you want to retain the small amount of vitamin K the vegetables contain. Freezing pizza can destroy any vitamin K it contains.
How Much Sugar Is in Pizza?
Pizza isn't a sweet-tasting food, so you wouldn't think it contains sugar, but it actually contains some. Because women shouldn't consume more than 24 grams of sugar a day, and men shouldn't have more than 36 grams, it's important to keep track of how much sugar you eat from all foods and not just from sweets such as soda and desserts. Too much sugar can cause weight gain, tooth decay and increased triglycerides, which raises your risk of heart disease. A slice of cheese pizza contains about 5 grams of sugar, and a slice of meat and vegetable pizza contains about 7 grams.
How Much Fat is In Pizza?
The amount of fat in a slice of pizza depends on what toppings it has. The majority of the fat in most pizzas is saturated fat. If you eat too much saturated fat, you increase your risk for heart disease. Limit how much saturated fat you eat to 10 percent or less of your total caloric intake. Many frozen pizzas also contain trans fat, which is the most unhealthy kind. It raises your cholesterol levels, which can lead to heart damage. A slice of cheese pizza contains 17.9 grams of fat, of which 6.2 grams are saturated. A slice of meat and vegetable pizza has 20.6 grams of fat, of which 7.3 grams are saturated.
How Much Protein Does Cheese Pizza Have?
You need between 46 and 56 grams of protein each day, and cheese is one way to boost your intake. Protein helps your body repair itself, builds muscle and gives you energy. Cheese is a complete source of protein, which means that it contains all of the essential amino acids. The protein you eat is digested into amino acids to replace the protein you lose as your heart beats, your brain works and your muscles move you from place to place. A slice of cheese pizza supplies you with about 15 grams of protein.
How Much Fiber Does a Slice of Cheese Pizza Have?
Most people fall short of the daily goal of 20 grams or more of fiber. When you don't get enough fiber, your digestive system can't work efficiently, which leaves you susceptible to constipation and hemorrhoids. Fiber helps lower your cholesterol, which can reduce your risk of heart disease, and it might lower your chance of certain types of cancer. A slice of cheese pizza contains 3.2 grams of fiber. If you make your own crust, use whole-wheat flour to boost the fiber by about 1 gram per serving.
Does Pizza Have Any Nutritional Value?
The nutritional value of your pizza depends on what you put on it. The sauce is made from tomatoes, which add vitamin C and vitamin A to your slice, but it can contain a lot of salt too. If you want extra sauce on your pizza, opt for a low-sodium version to get the nutrients without all of the sodium. Cheese pizza is lower in saturated fat than pizza with pepperoni or sausage, and it also supplies a good amount of calcium for strong bones and teeth. Vegetable pizza is even better because it contains vitamin C, vitamin A and more fiber than cheese or meat varieties. Pile on the peppers, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and onions for a healthier pizza meal.
Can You Make Pizza Healthy For Kids?
Kids love pizza, but letting them eat fast food varieties isn't a nutritious way to feed them. Make homemade pizza instead. Make your own pizza sauce by pureeing cooked and peeled tomatoes with oregano and garlic powder. Use low-fat mozzarella cheese so that your child gets plenty of calcium from his slice without all of the saturated fat. Skip the pepperoni and high-fat meats in favor of your child's favorite vegetables. Add black olives for some heart-healthy unsaturated fat.
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