Pixels to Profits: Monetizing Jetpack Compose Apps with AdMob
James Cullimore
Android Dev | Test Automation Expert | IoT Innovator | Cybersecurity Enthusiast | Freelancer | Author | Educator | Speaker
Staying ahead of the curve in the ever-changing environment of mobile app development is critical for developers wanting to produce not just engaging but also commercially viable applications. Jetpack Compose has emerged as a strong toolkit for designing native UIs with less code and better flexibility as the Android ecosystem continues to adopt new technologies. However, developing a successful app requires more than just a user experience that works well; it also requires clever monetization.
In this post, we investigate the integration of AdMob in Android apps produced using Jetpack Compose, which combines cutting-edge UI creation with effective app advertising. AdMob, Google's advertising platform for mobile apps, allows developers to easily make cash through in-app adverts. By integrating Jetpack Compose's declarative UI capabilities with AdMob's revenue potential, developers can get a twofold advantage—delivering an engaging user experience while carefully maximizing their app's financial returns.
This article gives a step-by-step tour of integrating AdMob in a Jetpack Compose-based Android application, whether you're a seasoned Android developer trying to increase your app's income sources or a newbie keen to investigate the confluence of UI design and monetization. We strive to provide you with the information and tools you need to traverse the complex terrain of current Android app development, from setting up the essential dependencies to smoothly embedding adverts into your UI. Let us start on a voyage in the dynamic world of mobile applications that balances design and function, aesthetics and income.
AdMob Registration & Setup
Before you can begin monetizing your Jetpack Compose Android app with AdMob, the first crucial step is to register for an AdMob account. If you haven't done so already, visit the AdMob website and sign up for an account. Ensure that you provide accurate information during the registration process, as this will be crucial for receiving payments and accessing your account dashboard.
Once your AdMob account is set up, the platform provides a straightforward process for creating ad units and generating ad codes. Follow these steps to seamlessly integrate AdMob into your Jetpack Compose project:
Create an AdMob Ad Unit
Log in to your AdMob account and navigate to the "Apps" tab. Select the app for which you want to create ad units or add a new app to your AdMob account.
Next, click on the "+ Add Ad Unit" button. AdMob supports various ad formats, such as banner ads, interstitial ads, and rewarded ads. Choose the ad format that aligns with your app's design and user experience.
Configure Ad Unit Settings
After selecting the ad format, configure the settings for your ad unit. This includes specifying the ad size, setting targeting options, and defining ad load behaviors. Pay attention to these settings, as they play a crucial role in optimizing ad delivery for your app's audience.
Obtain Ad Unit ID
Upon completing the configuration, AdMob will generate a unique Ad Unit ID for your ad unit. This ID is essential for linking AdMob to your Jetpack Compose project. Copy the generated Ad Unit ID and keep it handy, as you'll need to integrate it into your app's code.
Follow AdMob Integration Guidelines
AdMob provides comprehensive documentation and integration guides for different platforms, including Android. Visit the "Get Started" or "Integration" section of the AdMob dashboard and follow the guidelines provided for Android integration. AdMob's documentation typically includes step-by-step instructions, code snippets, and best practices for seamless integration.
By diligently following these steps and adhering to AdMob's integration guidelines, you'll successfully set the foundation for monetizing your Jetpack Compose Android app with targeted advertisements. Remember, a well-integrated and strategically placed ad can enhance user engagement while contributing to your app's revenue stream.
Adding AdMob Dependencies in Jetpack Compose Android App
To seamlessly integrate AdMob into your Jetpack Compose Android app, you need to include the necessary dependencies in your project. Below are the code examples that illustrate how to add these dependencies to your AndroidManifest.xml and build.gradle files.
<manifest xmlns:android="https://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
<!-- Add the following permission for AdMob -->
<uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID"/>
<!-- Add your AdMob application ID as a meta-data tag -->
Make sure to replace "your.package.name" with the actual package name of your Android app.
build.gradle (app-level)
android {
// ... (other configurations)
buildTypes {
debug {
// Set default AdMob ID and ad unit IDs for the debug build
resValue("string", "ADMOB_ID", "\"ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713\"")
buildConfigField("String", "BANNER_AD", "\"ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111\"")
buildConfigField("String", "REWARD_AD", "\"ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917\"")
release {
// Use AdMob ID and ad unit IDs from gradle.properties for the release build
resValue("string", "ADMOB_ID", gradleLocalProperties(rootDir).getProperty("ADMOB_ID"))
buildConfigField("String", "BANNER_AD", gradleLocalProperties(rootDir).getProperty("BANNER_AD"))
buildConfigField("String", "REWARD_AD", gradleLocalProperties(rootDir).getProperty("REWARD_AD"))
dependencies {
// Add the AdMob SDK dependency
implementation "com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:22.5.0"
In the above code, ensure that you replace the default AdMob IDs in the debug build with your actual AdMob application ID, banner ad unit ID, and reward ad unit ID. The release build will automatically fetch these values from the gradle.properties file.
By including these dependencies in your project, you pave the way for AdMob integration in your Jetpack Compose Android app. The AdMob SDK version used in this example is 22.5.0, but you may want to check for the latest version available on the official Google Maven Repository
Exploring AdMob Ad Unit Types for Monetizing Your App
AdMob offers a variety of ad unit types, each designed to cater to different user experiences and app layouts. Understanding the characteristics of each ad unit type is crucial for optimizing your app's monetization strategy. Here's an overview of the main AdMob ad unit types:
Banner Ads
- Description: Banner ads are rectangular ads that appear at the top or bottom of the app screen. They are a standard and non-intrusive way to integrate advertisements into your app's layout.
- Size Options: AdMob supports various banner sizes, allowing you to choose the dimensions that best fit your app's design.
Interstitial Ads
- Description: Interstitial ads are full-screen ads that appear at natural breaks or transitions within your app, such as between activities or levels. They are effective for delivering immersive ad experiences.
- Timing: Interstitial ads are typically shown at natural pause points to avoid disrupting the user experience.
Rewarded Ads
- Description: Rewarded ads provide users with incentives, such as in-app currency, premium content, or extra lives, in exchange for engaging with the ad. This type of ad promotes user interaction and can enhance user retention.
- Integration: Developers often integrate rewarded ads as part of the app's reward system, offering users tangible benefits for viewing the ad.
Native Ads
- Description: Native ads seamlessly blend into the app's content, matching the visual and functional design of the app. They are customized to fit the look and feel of the surrounding user interface.
- Customization: Developers have more control over the appearance and placement of native ads to ensure a cohesive user experience.
App Open Ads
- Description: App Open ads are full-screen ads that appear during the app's launch, providing a seamless transition between the app launch and the main content. They are suitable for apps with longer load times.
- Implementation: App Open ads are loaded asynchronously, ensuring a smooth user experience without delaying the app's launch.
Choosing the Right Ad Unit
Selecting the appropriate ad unit depends on factors such as your app's user interface, user engagement strategy, and the overall user experience you want to deliver. Experimenting with different ad unit types and placements can help you find the optimal balance between monetization and user satisfaction in your Jetpack Compose Android app.
Banner Ads in Jetpack Compose: Navigating Adaptive Banner Challenges
Banner ads serve as a fundamental component in the monetization strategy of many Android applications. However, as of the latest information available, AdMob's full support for Jetpack Compose, particularly in the context of adaptive banners, remains a work in progress. Nonetheless, developers can still integrate banner ads seamlessly into their Jetpack Compose applications using traditional methods.
Jetpack Compose Implementation
Here is an example of integrating a banner ad in Jetpack Compose:
fun AdmobBanner(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
modifier = modifier,
factory = { context ->
AdView(context).apply {
adUnitId = BuildConfig.BANNER_AD
In this Composable function, an AdView is created with a fixed AdSize.BANNER and loaded with the ad unit ID specified in the BuildConfig.
Adaptive Banner Challenges:
Unfortunately, when it comes to adaptive banners—dynamic banners that adjust their size based on the available screen space—AdMob's full compatibility with Jetpack Compose faces limitations. The code example you provided for adaptive banners using data binding is not directly applicable to Jetpack Compose.
fun setupBanner(adContainerView: FrameLayout) {
adView = AdView(requireContext())
adContainerView.viewTreeObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener {
if (!initialLayoutComplete) {
initialLayoutComplete = true
private fun loadBanner(adContainerView: FrameLayout) {
adView.adUnitId = BuildConfig.AD_MOB_BANNER
private fun getAdSize(adContainerView: FrameLayout): AdSize {
val width = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.R) {
val windowMetrics = requireActivity().windowManager.currentWindowMetrics
} else {
val displayMetrics = DisplayMetrics()
var adWidthPixels = adContainerView.width.toFloat()
if (adWidthPixels == 0f) {
adWidthPixels = width
val density = resources.displayMetrics.density
val adWidth = (adWidthPixels / density).toInt()
return AdSize.getCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSize(requireContext(), adWidth)
The adaptive banner example involves calculating the available width dynamically, which can be challenging to replicate directly in Jetpack Compose.
While waiting for official support, consider using fixed-size banners or alternative ad formats that align with your app's design. Stay informed about updates from both the Jetpack Compose and AdMob communities, as improvements and compatibility enhancements are likely to be introduced over time.
As of now, leveraging traditional banner ad integration, as demonstrated in the Jetpack Compose example, remains a practical approach until full support for adaptive banners is realized. Keep an eye on official documentation and release notes for any advancements in Jetpack Compose and AdMob integration.
Despite the great promise, it is critical to recognize the existing limits, especially in the field of adaptable banners. AdMob's full support for Jetpack Compose, particularly with dynamically modifying ad sizes, is still in the works. Developers that want to create adaptive ad experiences may face difficulties, but they may still employ classic banner ad systems to strike a compromise between user experience and profitability.
As you begin your quest to monetize your Jetpack Compose Android app, keep in mind that effective integration requires more than simply displaying advertising; it also requires carefully arranging them to enhance rather than interrupt the user experience. Experiment with various ad unit kinds, positions, and frequency to discover the sweet spot that corresponds to your app's content and user engagement plan.
Keep an eye out for updates from the Jetpack Compose and AdMob ecosystems, as continuing improvements and optimizations are likely to improve the integration experience. Collaborate with the dynamic developer communities, exchange insights, and help shape the future of Android app development.
The union of Jetpack Compose and AdMob at the intersection of design innovation and revenue generation is a testament to the industry's development. May this guide serve as a beneficial resource as you continue to develop and elevate your app, enabling you to traverse the delicate environment of designing applications that capture consumers while building sustainable financial underpinnings. Have fun coding!
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