Pixel Perfect Cutouts V2 Review, Bonus From Max Rylski

Pixel Perfect Cutouts V2 Review, Bonus From Max Rylski


Pixel Perfect Cutouts V2 Review, Bonus From Max Rylski

Pixel Perfect Cutouts V2

Max Rylski’s Pixel Perfect Cutouts V2

Pixel Perfect Cutouts V2 – 100’s of brand new images that have already been cutout. Plus animated Powerpoint slides that turn photos into engaging videos.

We all need images for our projects. Whether it’s for videos, for websites, for social media posts, etc..

One of the more time consuming tasks when it comes to any design project is finding the right image, and then cutting out the background of that image, so that you can place it into your designs.

PixelPerfect Cutouts V2 solves that problem by giving customers 100’s brand new images that have already been cutout. Plus animated Powerpoint slides that turn photos into engaging videos.

Ultra HD Cutout People Photos

PLUS Animated Powerpoint Slides That Turn Photos Into Videos

Pixel Perfect Cutouts V2

What is PixelPerfect Cutouts?

We all need images for our projects. Whether it’s for videos, for websites, for social media posts, etc..

One of the more time consuming tasks when it comes to any design project is finding the right image, and then cutting out the background of that image, so that you can place it into your designs.

PixelPerfect Cutouts solves that problem by giving customers 100’s images that have already been cutout.

PLUS customers get animated Powerpoint slides that turn photos into engaging videos.

What’s New In Pixel Perfect Cutouts V2?

Brand New

Brand new collection of images that’s not available in V1

Twice More Categories

V2 now comes with twice as many categories of images

Higher Resolution

The photos in V2 are now in 4k or higher resolution

Add Images to ANY Background

What makes these images special is that they have a transparent background. So they can easily be added on top of any other design.

Cut Out With Precision

All of the backgrounds have been removed with attention to fine detail, so even hair looks great.

Ultra HD Resolution

All the images are HD quality and most are in 4K or higher resolution, so they’ll look sharp inside your projects. You can even zoom in on specific areas like the face without losing quality.

Compatible with Everything

All of the images are in Transparent PNG format. This format is compatible with pretty much every graphics editor, video editor, website builder, etc.. So no matter where you want to use these images, you’ll be able to add them to your projects without a problem.

Commercial / Developer License

You can use these images on your own commercial projects AND projects you create for clients.

100’s Cutout People Photos To Choose From In Dozens Of Different Categories

All of the major professions and niche topics included

Pixel Perfect Cutouts V2 Upgrade offers (OTOs)

FE: $27: Big online library with 100’s cutout people photos in 38 categories, plus Powerpoint slides.

OTO1: $47 – 10X More Cutout Photos. Tools, Music, Nature, Sports, Food, Objects, Animals, and more. In total customers will be getting over 10,453 more cutout PNG images.

OTO2: $37 – Backgrounds bundle with 100’s of background images and videos.

OTO3: $47 – Doodle Illustrations Bundle with 1,000’s hand drawn graphics.

OTO4: $37 – 1,000’s of Marketing Graphics in transparent PNG format. Icons, Objects, Arrows, Badges, and much more.

Learn More About Pixel Perfect Cutouts V2:

Max Rylski’s Pixel Perfect Cutouts V2


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