PIVOTING: Why It's Okay if Your Career Isn't Linea?r?
Have you ever said to yourself “this is just for now,” all the while you're daydreaming about a different life circumstance that you'll one day courageously capture??
I am notorious for pivoting. Pivoting in your career is something that is usually looked at as a negative. People don't think that you should change jobs every year or two years, or your passions can't change or you're interested in change and you should go in this linear fashion, up this ladder, towards whatever. I have never lived my life this way. I don't know what inherently kind of came about within my soul that told me that I didn't need to follow a linear fashion, and believed that my career would be cyclical. It would be up and it would be down and it would have detours, very similar or exactly as life is. I don't know why our career would be any different.?
I've always taken a different approach, but I've always trusted the universe that every new career advance I make will help me towards my next step, whether it's in that company, whether it's in my own company, whether it's a new side project I'm starting. There's two types of entrepreneurs: entrepreneurs that enjoy starting things and entrepreneurs that enjoy running things. I always have to have a new fresh project on the back burner, just to keep that creativity going, to keep those imagination juices flowing, and to really be in a state of birth and creation, that is where I thrive. And that's why I changed things up in my agency: I changed procedures, I changed services, I changed the way we do things, I changed our target clients while keeping it kind of on the same mission of representing women, but I always need to change things.?
For a long time, people would look at me and say “Oh, there she goes. Starting another this, starting another that,``''Let's see how long she sticks with it” But ultimately, all of those endeavors and projects and things all led me to the point where I'm at now: running Scout's Agency, which is a huge success. It has enabled me to live my life on my own terms and granted me a freedom in my career, in my personal life that I have never known.?
I want to sort of destigmatize pivoting, destigmatize careers being quite linear, and potentially let someone know it's okay to try a bunch of things. It's okay to hop from industry to industry to figure out where you land, because once you do know where you land, you'll know it in your heart.?
It's not that I can't stick with something, it's that my soul was constantly searching for the right thing. The right thing now is most likely not going to be the right thing in five or ten years and that's okay with me. I can evolve, and my goals can be different, my daily challenges are going to be different, and my simulation needs are going to be different.?
As long as you are letting your past experience roll you into the next, as long as you are progressing and up-leveling with each new project or role you're doing, it's okay that your career isn't super linear or that you're not super boxed in, or that you have a million things going on. I actually work better when I have a million things going on. I have Scout’s Agency, I have Okay Sis podcast, and I have my podcast, because there are different times of the day that I feel a different energy, and depending on what energy I feel is where I direct my attention to whichever project or business I have.?
Don't feel bad about things that don't fit into that societal trajectory. That might be your magic. That might be your passion. And at the end of the day, when someone tells me that I’ve been doing too many things, or I shouldn't start something else again, it's not their life to live. They're not the ones that have to go through the day-to-day processes and the day-to-day tasks, I do. And so those tasks, processes, and individual developments really cater to my soul, and to my fulfillment center, then why would I not do it.?
You can have a bunch of things going on without burning out, without beating yourself up, without going crazy with work. Understand your bandwidth, as well as what's going to make you stressed. It's a really fine balance, and this is coming from a girl who has burnt out before. Find what works for you. You can create what works for you, maybe it hasn't been done before or maybe there's plenty of people out there that have a schedule that you didn't think was possible that can serve as your expander.?
I just never want anyone to be locked into “I have to do it this way”, or “This is how my career needs to work” or “This is how my schedule has to look.” That's all bullshit. You can truly create the exact career, the exact schedule, and the exact routine you want. With a little bit of imagination, a lot of courage, and taking action. Remember that things can be cyclical, not linear, which is very well parallel to mental health. It's okay to go on to the next. You will figure it out, as long as you are making smart decisions and entering into the next thing in a beautiful, graceful, almost kind of connected way. Just believe in yourself and your intuition will tell you where to go.?