Pivotal time for PRS – Budget, rental reform battles and more
We start this month’s PayProp Rent Report with our analysis of the Spring Budget. Activists have warned that it could encourage landlords to sell up, but are they right?
Politicians are almost out of time to pass the Renters (Reform) Bill. What is causing the delays, and could the government still get it over the line?
Next, a House of Lords committee is likely to recommend a new regulator for estate and letting agents. We explain what that could mean for the industry.
In our fourth story, the Scottish government has shared the results of their recent PRS consultation. Find out what rental sector stakeholders had to say about rent control.
It’s no secret that tenants don’t always stick to their tenancy agreements, and a new report by Direct Line has revealed the most common tenancy breaches. What can agents do about non-payment of rent, unauthorised DIY or subletting?
Banks are closing thousands of estate and letting agencies’ accounts. How can real estate businesses protect themselves from debanking?
We also share our regular monthly market report. Key sales market indicators are looking more positive, while rents continue to rise.
Agents Giving’s biggest event of the year has been announced! Find out how you can get your tickets to the 2024 Summer Ball – or even take part in this year’s Agents Got Talent contest.
Finally, PayProp’s public affairs programme continues, and this month we’ve engaged with politicians on the Renters (Reform) Bill, Scottish energy efficiency rules and more. Get the latest in our public affairs update.
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