The Pivotal Role of Cellular Agriculture
cc by BlueNalu

The Pivotal Role of Cellular Agriculture

The German version of the article:        

by Fabian Baumann , co-founder & board member of Cellular Agriculture Germany & Strategy & Operations Intern @ Formo

“I think it’s our once in a lifetime opportunity to get a second chance at agriculture.” (TED, 2021)

This statement from Isha Datar, who is the executive director of New Harvest and a pioneer in the field of cellular agriculture, strongly emphasizes its pivotal role. When elaborating the role of cellular agriculture, the existing challenges should be addressed in advance.

Industrial animal agriculture?at present is associated with numerous environmental, ethical, and public health issues. Whilst?environmental concerns?mainly relate to the loss of biodiversity, climate change, water depletion, air and water pollution, and land degradation,?ethical concerns are associated with animal suffering and slaughter in industrial livestock farming (Cassuto, 2010; FAO, 2006b). In contrast,?public health issues?refer to food insecurity, antibiotic resistance, possible contamination, the nutritional value (e.g., high saturated fat content), and various disease outbreaks (e.g., cardiovascular or zoonotic diseases) (FAO, 2006b; Jiménez-Colmenero, Carballo and Cofrades, 2001; Ranganathan, 2016). Meanwhile, billions of animals living in unethical conditions are exploited and raised for slaughter every year (Cassuto, 2010) in order to satisfy the demand for animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy.

In the following paragraphs, concerns related to meat products derived from traditional agriculture are emphasized. The?meat production process?involves several stages starting from growing animal feed, breeding and raising to slaughter, processing, and delivery. Growing meat, therefore, substantially affects the environment, for instance, with rising?greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions?which reinforce climate change. More precisely, anthropogenic GHG emissions from agriculture account for over 14.5% worldwide (FAO, 2013), which is roughly equivalent to the entire transportation sector (Statista, 2022). Moreover, meat production alone requires 8% of all?global freshwater?(Sun, Yu, and Han, 2015), with beef accounting for the largest water footprint with 15,415 liters of water per kilogram (Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2012). What is more, the use of land for both breeding livestock and the cultivation of crops for human consumption is distributed unevenly. If land used to grow crops for animal feed and pastures used for grazing are added, livestock accounts for approximately 83% of the?world’s agricultural land?(Poore and Nemecek, 2018). However, although livestock occupies most of global farming land, it only supplies 18% of the worldwide calories and 37% of the entire protein (Poore and Nemecek, 2018). This is because the entire process is inefficient in terms of energy in- and output. The weighted mean caloric conversion efficiency (feed-in ? food-out ratio) into edible animal products is approximately 7%, whereas beef is the least efficient with only 3% (Shepon et al., 2016). In other words, it takes more than 30 calories of food for a cow in order to obtain just one calorie back in form of the animal’s meat.

All the issues mentioned above will be substantially exacerbated through a 73%?increase of global meat demand?by 2050 as compared with 2010 (FAO, 2011; FAO, 2006a). This surge in demand for meat is driven by the growing world population to approximately 9.7 billion in 2050 (United Nations, 2015), ongoing urbanization, and the rising middle class in the Global South (Solomon, 2015; FAO, 2011). Despite increasing awareness of the environmental and ethical benefits of vegetarian and vegan diets, especially consumers in the Global North largely prefer to continue consuming animal products on the basis of price, taste, and convenience (Bryant, 2019; Schenk, R?ssel, and Scholz, 2018). For example, a survey of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) revealed that, while roughly two-thirds of the world’s population view climate change as an emergency, a mere 30% were in favor of shifting to plant-based diets to counteract it (UNDP, 2021). Therefore, the?provision and promotion of viable alternatives?to animal products may represent one of the most feasible strategies to tackle this paradigm (Bryant and Thomas, 2021).

In this context, the emphasis points to offering many different options as alternatives to the animal product in order to satisfy different consumer needs. After the proliferation of plant-based dairy alternatives, numerous companies have commercialized plant-based meats, which are being increasingly consumed (GFI, 2021c) while satisfying more and more consumers (Bryant and Sanctorum. 2021). Despite the fact that the consumption of animal products is increasing in the Global South, a large fraction of consumers still find it difficult to remove animal products from their diet (particularly dairy and eggs).

One emerging alternative to traditional animal agriculture is?cellular agriculture. The term cellular agriculture was initially coined in 2015 by the New Harvest community, which is now one of the leading non-profit organizations dedicated to advancing this field (Zassenhaus, 2022). Cellular agriculture can be described as “a set of technologies to manufacture products typically obtained from livestock farming, using culturing techniques to manufacture the individual product” (Stephens et al, 2018). There is a consensus within the cellular agriculture community that it can be divided into two types called tissue engineering-based and fermentation-based cellular agriculture classified according to the form of technology used (Stephens et al, 2018).

Tissue engineering?involves taking cells from animals (for more information, see Post, 2013; Genovese et al., 2017) and using cell-culturing techniques to control the proliferation and differentiation of these cells in order to steer the formation of increasing amounts of a desired cell type (e.g., muscle and fat for meat or skin for leather) (Stephens and Ellis, 2020; Stephens et al., 2018). In this way, both structured (e.g., cultivated full tissue meat) and unstructured (e.g., cultivated mincemeats) products can be produced within five to seven weeks (Stephens and Ellis, 2020), with the final product consisting of the cultivated cells.

In contrast,?fermentation-based?cellular agriculture differs from the tissue engineering-based approach in that cells are not propagated. Instead, products are produced by fermentation using microorganisms like bacteria, microalgae, protistis, or single-cell fungi (e.g., yeast). In?precision fermentation, these microorganisms are used as so-called “cell factories” (GFI, 2021b) to ultimately produce agricultural products. Specific genes are inserted into the DNA backbone of these organisms and the expression of the organic molecules these genes code for is optimized (Bryant and Thomas, 2021). The organic molecules obtained from this process can then be used to produce well-known animal products, such as gelatin, casein (used for milk) and collagen (used for leather) (Stephens et al., 2018). The end product consists of the metabolic products of microorganisms. This is why fermentation is generally recognized as a powerful enabling technology that is driving innovations across different markets, such as the alternative protein industry (GFI, 2022).

Whilst fermentation-based cellular agriculture is rooted in conventional industrial biotechnology (e.g., precision fermentation-derived insulin and rennet), the tissue engineering process originates from regenerative medicine and is, thus, a more novel approach and more difficult to scale up. A key characteristic of both production methods is the endeavor to produce products that are “biologically equivalent” to conventional animal products and thus offer — when considering food products — equivalent or better products in terms of taste, nutritional value, quality, and other sensory characteristics (smell, texture, appearance, and consistency). Indeed, it is the ultimate goal of biological equivalence that distinguishes cellular agriculture from emerging plant-based protein analogues like Beyond Meat’s products, which also strive for “viscerally equivalent” experiences but definitely not for biological equivalence (Stephens et al., 2018).

In the future, products from cellular agriculture will be produced in local facilities in large stainless-steel vessels — also called?bioreactors?— such as those used in breweries today (CellAg Deutschland, n.d.). For the purpose of this paper, and in line with a number of organizations involved in this domain, the scope of cellular agriculture will be limited to agricultural products that are sourced from animals. Therefore, this definition includes tissue engineered animal tissues (e.g., meat and leather) and precision fermentation used to produce specific functional ingredients (e.g., casein and gelatin) that would otherwise be derived from animals.

Cellular Agriculture seeks to alleviate the prevailing issues in animal agriculture. Whilst cellular agriculture food products are already expected to be healthier than their traditional counterparts as they are produced in a clean and controlled environment without (fecal) contamination and antibiotics, they could be?nutritionally enhanced?(e.g., by replacing saturated fat with omega-3 oils or by adding further vitamins and minerals) beyond that to provide additional health and disease-preventing benefits (Hultin, 2017; Zaraska, 2016; Solomon, 2015; Bhat and Fayaz, 2011).

Early investigations concerning the?environmental impact?of products derived from cellular agriculture have been relying on secondary data which do not reflect the pace of development in the private sector. In 2021, an independent LCA study (CE Delft, 2021a), though commissioned by GAIA and GFI, was published by CE Delft using primary data from several cultivated meat manufacturers and from related companies in the supply chain. They recognize the fact that cultivated meat is still evolving and many major challenges exist, and use the latest primary data and general understanding to provide insight into the environmental impacts that can be expected from cultivated meat when large-scale production facilities are available (CE Delft, 2021a). The outcome of the CE Delft study is that “cultivated meat has the potential to be a highly sustainable meat product” (CE Delft, 2021a). According to the report, cultivated meat can compete with all conventional meat types concerning the environmental impact, and scores clearly better than conventional beef. When manufacturers transition to sustainable energy, cultivated meat emerges as the most environmentally friendly option to produce meat. More specifically, when using sustainable energy, cultivated meat requires up to 95% (29%) less land, 78% (63%) less water, saves up to 93% (-2%) of fine particulate matter pollution, and reduces global warming impacts by 92% (17%) compared to conventional beef (chicken). Key drivers with regard to the environmental impact of cultivated meat are processing energy as well as medium quantity and medium composition. In addition, cultivated meat has a substantially higher feed conversion ratio. Although this represents the latest data on the environmental impact of cultivated meat, the results are subject to a certain degree of uncertainty given that cultivated meat production is still in development. Moreover, it has also been argued that vacated land areas could be utilized to restore habitats and increase biodiversity (Tuomisto and Mattos. 2011), sequestrate carbon through ecosystem restoration, and develop renewable energies (CellAg Deutschland, n.d.). Apart from cultivated meat, other animal products derived from cellular agriculture including, for instance, dairy, fish, eggs, or materials like leather are likewise more sustainable and ethical when compared to their conventional counterparts. To mention the benefits of another product category, one LCA has, for example, estimated that animal-free dairy products use 91% less land, 98% less water, and 65% less energy, and emit 84% less greenhouse gases, compared to conventional dairy products (Steer, 2015).

What is more, animal-free dairy products bypass the necessity of using animals and the?moral concerns?involved. In dairy production, female cows are repeatedly impregnated. Their calves are taken away from them at birth so that their milk can be taken by us humans, which is extremely stressful for both the calf and the mother (Bryant and Thomas, 2021). In addition, cows are also slaughtered when their milk yield decreases (ProVeg International, 2018).

Next to LCAs, there are also techno-economic assessments (TEAs) that have been carried out in order to identify areas that merit further research and provide insight into the future cost of cultivated meat production. Such results can provide useful information regarding the?economic viability?of cellular agriculture business models, as products derived from this technology are required to be competitive in the market in terms of costs. A comprehensive TEA study by Humbird (2021) critically assessed the feasibility of large-scale cultivated meat production and has generated tremendous controversy and debate in the industry. The author concluded that cultivated meat will probably never be a cost-competitive food product. Just two months later, CE Delft also published a TEA study at the same time as the LCA. In contrast to the report by Humbird, the CE Delft TEA study indicates that substantial cost reductions in cultivated meat production can be achieved so that costs close to the benchmark values (for comparable traditional meat products) are feasible (CE Delft, 2021b). A joint report by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and VC firm Blue Horizon concludes that?cost parity?with the conventional counterpart will be in reach for microorganism-based products in 2025 and for tissue engineered products in 2032, depending on the specific product group and geographic area (BCG and Blue Horizon, 2021). These different study results demonstrate the ongoing debate with regard to the feasibility of large-scale cultivated meat production at a cost-competitive level. While Humbird views certain aspects that need tremendous improvement in cultivated meat production as inherent limits, other organizations like GFI see these aspects as opportunities for growth (GFI, n.d.). GFI states that scaling cultivated meat production is certainly associated with technological uncertainty but given what is at stake, it cannot be afforded not to provide more funding for R&D efforts to resolve these uncertainties (GFI, n.d.).

Despite a few voices challenging the economic viability of cultivated meat production on a large scale, the pivotal role of cellular agriculture is recognized by an increasing number of new ventures, organizations, investors, established companies, governments, universities, consultancy firms, and even traditional meat producers (GFI, 2021a; GFI, 2021b). At the time of writing, the world’s leading climate scientists released the global assessment of climate change mitigation progress. The Working Group III contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPPC) Sixth Assessment Report mentions emerging food technologies such as cellular agriculture as solutions that

“can bring substantial reduction in direct GHG emissions from food production (limited evidence, high agreement). These technologies have lower land, water, and nutrient footprints, and address concerns over animal welfare.” (IPPC, 2022)

The?IPPC’s recognition of the pivotal role of cellular agriculture?in contributing to, among other things, mitigating climate change and limit warming to 2°C or lower by 2100 as stated in the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in article 2 (1a), marks a key milestone for the industry. In line with the IPPC’s statement, a study published by a renowned journal,?The Lancet, identified a dietary shift toward, inter alia, alternative proteins (which includes cellular agriculture) as a crucial step to substantially reduce the environmental impact of industrial animal agriculture and help align the food production system with a 1.5°C warming scenario compared with pre-industrial levels as well as with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (i.e., Goal 13 Climate Action) (MSCI and Blue Horizon, 2022; Willett et al., 2019). In addition, a joint report by MSCI and the VC firm Blue Horizon projected a total of $295 billion in potentially?avoided market capitalization losses?under the 1.5°C climate scenario (as of November 30, 2021) due to reduced climate transition risks in the value chain if the 485 food companies in their model shifted to high alternative proteins and plant-based involvement (MSCI and Blue Horizon, 2022).

Cellular agriculture could also play a gigantic role in economic considerations. In 2020, the value of the global meat market alone was $838.3 billion and is projected to reach $1,157.6 billion in 2025 (CAGR of 6.67%) (Statista, 2021), notwithstanding considering the whole meat value chain or other possible technology applications in the food industry (includes pet food as well), but also in the textile and raw materials or cosmetics industry. Thus, the total addressable market of cellular agriculture products seems a lot higher than the global meat market. At present, many different market share forecasts exist for products derived from cultivated animal tissues and, in some cases, precision fermentation as well, which are, unfortunately, hardly comparable due to varying definitions of products in scope and distinct reference markets (e.g., meat market, protein market, or alternative protein market). In general, products derived from precision fermentation are expected to gain traction from 2025, while cultivated animal tissue products are likely to dominate market growth from 2032 (Blue Horizon Corporation and Boston Consulting Group, 2021). An early and still optimistic projection was published by the consulting firm AT Kearney in 2019, stating that cultivated meat will reach a market share of 10% (35%) in the global meat market by 2030 (2040) (A.T. Kearney, 2020). In contrast, more conservative projections are put forth by Jefferies (2019) with a market share of only 7% in their base case by 2040 and McKinsey & Company (2021) with a market size of just 20 billion in their medium growth scenario by 2030, suggesting a considerably lower market share. A reasonable medium growth scenario for alternative proteins in general is provided by a joint report of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and VC firm Blue Horizon. In their base case, the share of alternative proteins will reach 11% of the overall protein market in 2035, with two different upside scenarios leading to a higher market share of 16% and 22%, respectively (BCG and Blue Horizon, 2021). Although market size projections vary greatly, the medium growth scenarios suggest a?huge market opportunity?and a relevant role of cellular agriculture in the future. Although detailed and representative analyses considering the economic impacts are currently lacking, it seems plausible that a mature cellular agriculture industry will create numerous?high-skilled jobs?and make a substantial contribution to the economic output. A first socio-economic report dealing with this question was published last year by Oxford Economics, an independent global advisory firm. They focused solely on the UK market and report that the cultivated meat industry could contribute £1.1 to £2.1 billion to UK GDP and create 9,200 to 16,500 jobs by 2030 (Oxford Economics, 2021).

To conclude, the cellular agriculture industry is likely to play a pivotal role across multiple dimensions, including environmental, ethical, social, and economic. It takes farm animals out of the agricultural equation, thus alleviating animal suffering and slaughter as well as mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss along with using land and water resources more efficiently. Moreover, it could create many high-skilled jobs and contribute substantially to the overall economic output while simultaneously fostering public health by decreasing the risk of antibiotic resistance, food insecurity, and the outbreak of various diseases. Ultimately, cellular agriculture has the potential to create a more sustainable and ethical production system for real animal products, providing consumers with the products they love without urging them to make sacrifices that have historically been unsuccessful.


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