Pivot to a Strength
Crystal G.
Helping established consultants, high-level freelancers, and technical experts build an automated, profitable, and sustainable business that runs in 22 hours or less per week
What is your strength?
As a business mentor and executive coach, this is often where we begin after we've established a vision.
You see, the idea of strength is misunderstood.
Often, we spend years trying to mask our weaknesses. Trying to grow in areas that, while we are ok in, we don't have to be all things to all people with.
And, as leaders and business owners, our time matters more than anything.
How we use our time determines our success. And if we are spending our time doing things that drain us, that draw us away from our strength and aren't generating income in our business, then it's time for a rethink.
Here are a few ideas:
And connect with someone if you need help, support, and accountability. Was recently in an online discussion about zoom fatigue; and how sometimes the best mentoring and coaching takes place by messages and email, voice chat, or virtual quick check-ins. Don't go into November feeling like you've got no vision for 2023; let's do this together if you need it. Pop me an email or a DM to grow your leadership or your business using a strengths-based approach.