Stephen (Steve) Utley
With a passion for leading and managing branding, marketing initiatives and communications campaigns, I have experience creating and refreshing a brand’s look and messaging that resonates and drives results.
PIVOT is the best approach to maintain your brand awareness during COVID distancing and Work From Home scenarios. No need to stop communicating with your clients and potential prospects. PIVOT can effectively work for you in three ways. It can be used standalone to complement your current branding efforts, used to target new business as a lead generator to boost sales, or by combining both, targeting your existing and prospective customers. Provide us with basic information; we will plan a customized, targeted campaign, take the total costs, and divide it into three cash-flow-friendly payments.
A POTENT MIX OF TECHNOLOGY AND CREATIVITY DELIVERS RESULTS! Our team is made up of data and branding communication veterans who roll up their sleeves to make ROI happen. We use a proprietary algorithm to monitor search activity and target keywords in real-time, utilizing unique device identifiers. PIVOT coordinates digital messaging using digital display ads (delivered to individuals devices, desktops, mobiles, and tablets, at work and home) email and Facebook. This combination would be far less effective without a vital element we integrate into all our campaigns that make them astonishingly effective, award-winning creative message delivery.
MORE LIKELY TO PURCHASE Combining digital display ads with email campaigns and Facebook ads can increase response rates by 30% over consumers reached by one channel alone.
HOP-TO-IT—CONNECT TO PIVOT: https://www.pivotmultichannel.com/
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