Pittsburgh Homeowner Depends on HomeServe for Home Repairs
HomeServe USA
To free our customers from the worry and inconvenience of emergency home repairs and installations
Gloria had been in her Pittsburgh home since 1969, and, as her home aged, she occasionally needed help with upkeep. That's why she had HomeServe emergency home repair plans covering nearly every major home system.
Gloria F. of Pittsburgh noticed some water on her kitchen counter and figured she must have spilled something without having noticed, so she wiped it up.
Then, the spill re-appeared, and Gloria wiped it up again. However, now Gloria was concerned. She had just spent several months at her son’s home while her own stood empty during those months. Gloria wondered what issues had possibly gone wrong during that time?
“Lo and behold, I go back and it’s there again,” she said. “Then I noticed, that, beneath the cabinet, it was warped. So, I thought, ‘oh, here we go. HomeServe!’”
“They are very good people. They take care of their customers.”?
Gloria had an emergency home repair plan with HomeServe, in fact she had several, and they had proved useful to her on many occasions. She had policies protecting the water, sewer and electrical service lines from the utility to her home, the gas lines serving appliances, the in-home plumbing, the heating system and the water heater. Having all these plans in place saved her about $2,000 on everything from leaking gas lines to backed–up toilets – some routine fixes, some more complex. What was even better, she didn’t have to source her own contractors for any repair.
“I’ve had it for years,” she said. “It’s like I’ve never been without it, that’s how comfortable I am with it. I can’t remember when I didn’t have it. I have never had a problem with HomeServe in terms of the workers they send, and they are very prompt. If they say, ‘we’ll get back to you,’ they get back to you. You can’t get any better than that.”
HomeServe quickly dispatched D.R. Sevacko Plumbing of Pittsburgh to assess Gloria’s problem and figure out a solution. An old, galvanized drain line serving the second floor had developed a leak, and 12 feet of it needed to be replaced. If Gloria hadn’t had a HomeServe repair plan, it would have cost her at least the $1,175 covered under the plan.
“I thought this problem was from a drain outside, maybe a gutter,” Gloria said. “Well, they went up and I bet it wasn’t 10 minutes, they found the problem. I looked under there and I didn’t see anything, but these people are professionals. They know their stuff.”
This isn’t the first time that HomeServe has dispatched Sevacko Plumbing to resolve an issue at Gloria’s home, and she appreciates the quality of work and customer service the company provides.
“First of all, they hire people who know how to do the job, they are very knowledgeable,” she said. “But on top of that, they’re good people. They’ve been very kind to me when they’ve been at the house. Whenever HomeServe says they’re going to send Sevacko, I say, ‘oh, good.’
“Sevacko, those are the people that you want to do your job. I love it when they send Sevacko. It’s in their genes, they don’t know how to do anything that’s not right. It’s in the genes.”
Gloria also appreciated the patience and customer service provided by HomeServe’s operations center employees.
“I often start things with, ‘I’m an old lady, forgive me if I get something mixed up,’ and I’ve had people go through all my contracts with me just to make sure that I don’t have the same contract under another name,” she said. “They are very good people. They take care of their customers.”?