The Pitfalls of Purpose

The Pitfalls of Purpose

Recent years have seen a growing focus on the “purpose” of companies. Businesses are asked to show how they add value to society – beyond shareholders’ dividends or bosses’ bonuses. This pressure is coming from an unlikely alliance of consumers, employees, campaigners, academics, regulators and even investors.

But not everyone is impressed. Corporate purpose statements have been criticized for being meaningless, hyperbolic, platitudinous, overly simplistic and, in short, “bullshit”. A new term has entered the vernacular – “purpose washing”; campaigners are quick to point out any hypocrisy, and highlight dissonance between a company’s claimed purpose and the actions it takes and decisions it makes.

So what are the pitfalls of purpose, and how can companies avoid them?

Companies are coming to terms with this new paradigm. Many are hurrying to create “purpose statements” — a practice so widespread that a Forbes article termed it “a purpose stampede.” They are eager to position themselves are “part of the solution”, and are keen to avoid being seen as “part of the problem”.

However, companies may be disappointed when their shiny new purpose statements are greeted with scepticism by internal and external audiences. The sudden enthusiasm to play a positive role in society can be greeted with a collective “you must be joking”.

“Purpose is not a mere tagline or marketing campaign,” BlackRock CEO Larry Fink wrote in his 2019 letter to fellow CEOs, nodding to the prevailing distrust. “It is a company’s fundamental reason for being, what it does every day to create value for its stakeholders.”

Too often, corporate purpose is treated as a marketing or HR project and fails to connect to the core of the business. In our experience, there are a number of risks that face companies thinking seriously about their purpose. In particular, “purpose statements” encounter the following pitfalls:

1.    They sound meaningless. Purpose statements have been criticised for being hyperbolic, platitudinous, overly simplistic or plain “bullshit”. They tend to blend vagueness with grandiosity, full of statements such as “to empower every person”, “to unlock potential”, “to enable progress” or “to live life to the full”. In short, they are bland and fail to provide any real direction.

2.    They lack differentiation. Usually the reason a company exists is also why its sector exists. Mining companies, for example, talk about “human progress”, “a better future”, “improving lives”, or “society’s changing needs”. Health companies tell us about “helping people lead longer, healthier, happier lives”. These are all noble aspirations, but they feel generic, and often dissonant with people’s experience of these companies. People want to know, “what do you stand for?”

3.     They’re disconnected from corporate strategy. A global survey of executives by EY found that most leaders believed a strong sense of purpose is important for a company’s success—and yet less than half said their company had a sense of purpose or was trying to develop one. Too often, people think of “higher purpose” or “social purpose”—something peripheral to the core of the business itself. Purpose must be rooted in the activities of the business – its products and services, its processes and practice – or it will be seen as an insubstantial marketing exercise. 

4.    They’re disingenuous (purpose-washing). The Nation, a US weekly magazine, labelled the new wave of purpose statements as “empty promises and self-serving slogans.” It’s a sentiment shared even by business leaders. Alan Jope, the CEO of Unilever, wrote earlier this year that “green-washing, purpose-washing, cause-washing, woke washing” were “beginning to infect our industry.” This suggests companies going a step beyond simple disconnect to misleading marketing; touting a purpose the company does not mean and cannot fulfil in order to look good.

5.     They highlight dissonance. At the heart of any critical reputation crisis is a dissonance between what a company says and what it does. For example, talking about helping people live better lives while your products make them less healthy will ultimately result in a threat to your license to operate. A purpose statement must resonate with the real impacts that a company has on the world around it, or it will simply draw attention to areas of societal concern. 

Getting it right

Real commercial benefits can flow from successfully navigating these pitfalls. A compelling corporate purpose statement is a meaningful articulation of a company’s role in the world. It must capture not just why a company exists, but also what it does – its products and services – as well as how it operates.

Defining a purpose statement that people can really get behind requires working across the business, at all levels – from the boardroom to the shop floor. It also requires a realistic assessment of the role that the company plays in the big issues that are relevant to it. In our experience, articulating a company’s purpose requires a blend of qualitative and quantitative inputs, top-down and bottom-up, outside-in and inside out.

What does a good purpose look like?

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Defining your purpose is only the beginning. It must be embedded with internal audiences in a way that shapes behaviours and gives them a sense of ownership, shared direction and even inspiration. And it must be promoted externally so that wider audiences and stakeholders feel that the company has a sincere ambition to have a positive, tangible impact on the world around it. In short, act like you mean it: if purpose isn’t properly activated internally and externally, it will ring hollow.   

The world is asking business to think critically about its purpose, and to engage constructively in the challenges we are all facing. Getting this right is important for the legitimacy of individual businesses as well as business writ large. In an article titled “Capitalism’s watershed moment,” the Financial Times summarized the prevailing sentiment in late August this year – namely, that “business as usual just won’t cut it anymore.”  

Andy Knox

Strategic Communications Consultant

4 年

Great piece. The point about being firmly rooted in a company's actual business is completely on point. For me, this also part of a wider requirement around strategic comms more generally. Topline needs to be crisp, but you have to be able to "dial down" into more operational detail in a way which is coherent and credible.? I wrote on this recently?

Dominic James

Executive Healthcare Advisor | Commercial Innovation Leader | Ex-Top 5 Pharma | Ex-Big 4 Consulting | International Experience in US, Europe & Asia

4 年

This is very nicely summarised. I would perhaps extend #3 beyond corporate strategy to operational decision making as the key opportunity to becoming a purpose driven organisation. Having sat deep inside many organisations, my observation is that “purpose” is only sporadically a consideration when business decisions are being made. I suspect that despite internal hyperbole, most outside observers would judge the majority of day to day decisions in organisations to be disconnected from, if not contradicting, their stated purpose. Changing this could be truly transformative for organisations and the world we live in ...


