The Pitfalls of Decision making without Context
The Pitfalls of Decision making without context – Putting the right Content to work.
Technology is nothing without content and decision making nothing without context. Let me elaborate on this core idea, though this statement I am sure resonates with you all in some shape or form.
Content + Capture = Context
Based on recent AIIM research business at the speed of paper is no longer acceptable. This is what we’ve been hearing in research for the past 2-3 years and it isn’t changing. More than anything businesses that still operate at the speed of paper are simply being overtaken by those that don’t. Fact.
Technology is nothing without content and decision making nothing without the right information. Neither happen without the right approach, planning and intentions.
One of the main reasons the right decisions are not made is that information silo’s start at the wrong point in time. One of the factors to making the best decision is that it is based on Realtime data as well as historic data and that both be assessed concurrently or made available for reference in a smart and easy way to ensure immediacy and awareness.
The examples in business are never-ending. One example might be in a hospital setting where a fracture needs to be compared to a previous incident – what enhances chances of the decision being the right one is widening the spectrum of information and content he or she reviews by ensuring the full patient case history is provided and to hand at the time considerations are made and in an ED environment that is now or never…The fulfilment of ePatient records in this country is very poor and this is primarily due to this reason alone. Technology is ready to go but the content is not there.
In Finance the same rules apply. Audits are all about context, why was a payment made and who made it when? Being in a position to call upon historic AP invoices before authorising the latest one – verifying charges and being in a position to assess spending peaks and troughs, respond effectively and immediately to audits all enhance a business.
In HR or pensions fulfilling FOI requests saves money when the content can be converted efficiently or even better is ready to go digitally and can be placed in front of the requestor securely and digitally.
In Engineering, Pharma and Manufacturing the same story plays out with patient records replaced by calibration sheets or schematics or manuals providing the foundation for the decisions.
Doing business in the now means taking advantage of expertise that for example brings physical information into a digital world easily and with minimum pain. A new paradigm in Information Management is prevalent one that goes beyond the traditional hurdles of risk and cost, to include KPI’s such as organizational performance, competitive advantage, and customer experience. Add I would suggest decision making efficiency to these new imperatives.
Internal expectations as well as internal benchmarks combined with OTB digital maturity is pushing organizations to find new ways of working that give them an edge. The same AIIM research referred to at the beginning of this post reveals that records, governance, and information management professionals that embrace this convergence of needs and means are twice as likely to gain executive and stakeholder support for their efforts.
Corporate memory has a face. You might not be able to touch it but it has scars and tales to tell. Content is memory. How it is managed will determine to a large degree how well informed its decisions are. The lifecycle or traditional way of looking at information, the idea that a document is born and has a life and eventually dies in a shredder is no longer true or representative of real business life. In Truth information lives and dies and is reborn continuously – the continuum model of Information management is one that business needs to recognise and adopt in terms of enabling and informing decisions. Keys to unlocking this are in the hands of three components – Technology, people and processes. Effectively a continuous and coherent administration applied to Information.
Doing this is and enabling transformation without affecting business decisions is easily justified because of the cost of not doing it.
The advantages unlocked by interrelating the past to the now, the present and the ability for record’s users to access this information anytime and anywhere are endlessly played out in business. The recognition that records can serve more than a single purpose, that they can be a tool to collaboration, to making better business decisions, ensure compliance and even be used in evidence dawns on experiencing the hardship of having to find a document you threw out or shredded or lost – too much effort too late.?Looking back on an employee’s disciplinary record or sick days or even referring back to the colleagues original CV makes sense to do every time. In manufacturing equipment calibration records or maintenance history need to be readily available for audits, internal or external.
Getting your hands on the right piece of information can make all the difference in the world. ‘To quote the UK’s ICO – ‘Information delayed is information denied’. A decision and its timing is only made at the speed of the slowest moving piece of content needed to construct and fulfil it.
One quality also noted by Forbes Business is the mandatory DNA required in a transformatory business organisation, ‘in flux’ if you like and that is to think strategically and ask what will my customers want and what will be asked of my business in the future and how can the business prepare for those needs and questions? PESTLE factors from outside the organisation cannot alter content and if the context of it is framed in secure technology at least decision making has a foundation for people to consider the right path in a timely way.
At the heart of every digital journey is the recognition that you cannot predict what information or content will be needed or should be captured incoming or outgoing. Life is not that simple. What is a constant is the need to understand, anticipate and define the dimensions that information will occur or has occurred in. Forbes research last year also underlined that ease of doing business is a two-way streak. How welcoming we are to do business with is directly linked into what is going on behind the scenes internally on the service or Operational side. Lame information management has a price.
Smart and selective Scanning is one way to add context and something Kefron has done for 3 decades. Putting the legacy information together with the most recent transaction or note or report in front of a user ensures the best chance of survival and that decisions are at the very least informed by the most relevant and up to date content. Many people see capture as the first step to transformation because it captures content and as a result delivers context. The three are intertwined and interdependent.
When people in business talk about transformation they can mean any number of automation or digitalisation or mobility steps in the one name check. What it has meant to Kefron as a fundamental definition is;
Enabling our customers to work with their information in a way where no hardcopy is involved.
Taking our customers through that first step of digitisation as painlessly as possible. Digitisation is the lever, first step on the road …It means discarding manual processes and docucentric physical objects and replacing them with automated processes or platforms that enable businesses to continue without the need to come into the office to access a filing cabinet or shuffle through paper files. Outsource the Backoffice and focus on front of shop.
To be able to confidently search and find content users know is there and relevant to the task at hand or decision to be made.
Digital transformation can be a complex beast. But at its simplest transformation works on the basis that information is your most important business asset – we need to remember that as we walk through this webinar. The challenge that many businesses have is that much of their information is NOT digital – it is often paper based – and transformation for many is simply the act of “going paperless”. However, it can and should be much more than that.?Common to me is where companies get the technology and the people together but forget the content and transforming without content means you go from 6th gear to reverse in jig time…..
Irrespective of the size of digital transformation project undertaken there are three key aspects that need to be taken into account: These are people technology and process. These components of success are not mutually exclusive.
Change management is a whole industry sector in itself – and it is no different here.
Technology. We know what types of technology are being used to facilitate digital transformation – and the use of these technologies needs to be carefully integrated to the people and process elements here for success to be certain. Talk to experts and outsource if needed. Take the pain out of this crucial first step. Putting the right information at the fingertips of the right people will ultimately stand to the business by allowing the right decisions to be made for the right reasons.?Pass the task to a safe pair of hands in Kefron.
Buy-In cannot be guaranteed but steps can be taken to reduce the odds of a last-minute thumbs down or reversal of support. In my experience one of the initial failure points is where a buyer or suppler are not aligned in terms of sponsorship or leadership. Even in the scoping and analysis phase of the service or project the hand and the glove must be on the same page not just in terms of things like cost etc but also passionate about the approach and ultimate outcome.
Projects fail because this is incomplete or for whatever reason on different hands. This is so in Document Management service and solution jobs also. Having the wrong focus can lead to simple things like misinterpreting or misidentifying the problem which has a big impact down the way if the wrong service is applied to relieve the pain. Smaller issues as well lead to a big impact in terms of failure such as incorrect taxonomy, misinterpreted budget calls, over or understated volumes and on and on…..
Ensure Power and Interest are fulfilled at all levels on buyer and supplier sides necessary to guarantee a successful outcome at every stage. Stakeholders can include several people,?the group or individuals who initially proposed the requirement or identified the initial pain or driver of the service,?those who will benefit from the solution,?those who have special knowledge of the current situation?and those that will use, support?or implement the result.?Stakeholders are often thought of?as those affected by the project.?But we also need to consider those stakeholders?who will be affecting the outcome such as compliance or Quality Assurance for example.
Everyone’s work will go to waste if stakeholders do not by-in to either the process or the technology. False or misplaced agreement by stakeholders at the engagement stage has a knock-on effect to the outcome. Never underestimate genuine commitment. The true value of delivering context as an intrinsic value to the business should be quantifiable just as quality is or compliance or margin.
Often particularly when considering digitisation projects, the client’s first thought will be cull or review files. This may indeed be a necessary evil due to retention obligations but never start it because you think it will save money on scanning. This way nothing will be ever started and remember the one piece of paper you want next year is more than likely the one you thought this year no one needed and it was shredded! If in doubt scan everything within a file but only if it has intrinsic value to users and or the business. Their second thought is to do the job in-house. ‘We have an MFD and a desktop scanner’ usually follows. Outsource the headache – scanning is the ugly sister of Document Management for a reason. Efficiency in handling can ensure correct classification and output on time to measure. Realising the error of inhouse as a decision results in more work downstream in my experience – not always but consistently a better job could be done. Leave the back office to experts and focus on your front of house to build the business without looking over your shoulder is my advice for what it’s worth! Even if inhouse makes sense and you have the budget, the labour, the hardware and all the skills no harm came from a second opinion being presented.
Technology – overpriced over specked and underutilised are typical causes of technology failure. Explore what actual functionality is needed within the business. Do the taste test with more than one application. Ask for a trial and explore the limits in reference to your needs profile. DM technology should throw up an exact match to your needs profile. We are living in the future.
Outsource expertise and learn from that experience.
In recent studies the stats showed the unproductive time workers spent as a result of Information Management inefficiencies amounted to a loss of 21% of the organisations productivity. Staggeringly avoidable.
At the centre of every business should be tasks and activities that deliver on the core strategy of the business. Staff on a day-to-day basis spend too much time trying to find the correct information needed to make decisions and risk too much if business critical content cannot be found. Why risk the loss of documentation when regulations like the GDPR will severely punish you for it?
The Kefron answer to both accessibility, availability and security concerns is to provide a source of reference to the contents of your archive or filing cabinets once digitised.
Removing concerns around these risks should be around how workers interact with their documents. Providing a single source of truth in a secure medium is the solution.?Immediacy, Control and visibility.?