Pitching for Life: The Art of Persuasion
Pitching an idea or project is the bread and butter of any game professional. It allows teams to get funded and supported, bringing outrageous ideas to life. But thinking that pitch is only about getting investment, or a publisher is not only over simplistic: it is incorrect. Our lives are built upon an endless line of pitches, desired on undesired: from convincing mom to let us go to that party to running for president, we are constantly on a path of persuading others to do our bids. Life is a never-ending flow of opportunities, where we are selling ideas, projects, ourselves. That’s why understanding this process and how psychology works can be extremely valuable in all corners of life.
The Science Behind Making a Mind
There are several articles and research out there talking about the structure and the psychology of delivering the perfect pitch. Some I suggest are from Inkbot Design , this article from Nadia Raychinova , and this detailed article from Jory MacKay .
I can write another article about the structure and details of building good pitches, but all the organisation in the world won’t be sustainable if you don’t know the basics I want to discuss here.
A few things to remember before we jump into the subject:
- Individuals tend to be more open for acceptance when they perceive the presenter to be knowledgeable in the field.
- Knowledge is also key to exuding confidence during the presentation. This is especially important during the Q&A portion of the discussion.
- Individuals tend to be more accepting of an idea when an emotional connection was built. This is a key point during the delivery of the pitch.
- In order to create the emotional connection, it is crucial to know your audience and tailor your presentation to them. Be aware of their requirements and goals, needs and desires.
- A great way to build rapport is using ‘mirroring’. This technique infers the act of matching someone’s behaviour and body language.
- Always have social and data proof up your sleeve. Persuasion is better achieved through a healthy sense of urgency and opportunity.
The pitching process is a cycle and, with the above in mind, we can start building ours.
Let’s Start from the Beginning
The first steps of achieving the perfect pitch are knowing where you are and what you are trying to achieve.
Clearly define your current situation, your leads, and your pitfalls, being absolutely realistic and detailed. Don’t sugar coat it: this is for you more than for anyone else and illusions won’t help you move forward.
Without a clear goal, your argument / presentation is closer to a child’s tantrum than a masterful discussion. Reflect upon the results you would like to reach, with as many nuances as possible. Your pitch should be deeply focused on where you want to get with it, every step of the way.
It’s Only Logical
Now that you know your current status and what you aim to achieve, it is time to work on the steps to get where you want to go.
Again, be realistic, but also logical. Your path to success shouldn’t be paved with minuscule steps based on fear and negativity. Likewise, it shouldn’t be humanly impossible to stride. Having in mind your capabilities and available resources, find the best and fastest way to sprint forward. Stretch yourself without breaking.
It is easier said than done and this might require a few (or many) interactions to accomplish all your goals. Trial and error are integral parts of learning. Dare to be an adventurer and set yourself out for success.
The How’s, the Why’s, the When’s
It’s time to connect the dots: how are you going to take each step towards your dreams? Why are you taking this path instead of any other available? What are you going to do if any of the steps fail? Do you have a Plan B, C, D…Z? What is the timeline for your ultimate glory?
At this step, educating yourself in all aspects of your idea (as much as possible) will provide you with the tools to persuade others to support your endeavours. Remember the list in the beginning? Knowledge of yourself, the topic and your audience are the not-so-secret ingredients for climbing that mountain and planting your flag.
This is a crucial undertaking, as it will help you answer any questioning or doubts you may face along the way. You won’t always have the answer to every issue, but you should try to have a workaround to any major challenge you may face. Collect data, research, knowledge is your superpower in this process. Learn from other daredevils who went down their own paths before you and gather their wisdom as well as your own.
However, keep in mind that no matter how prepared you are, you are bound to have some rude awakenings on the way. That is the fun part of the journey: facing adversities heads on and living to tell your tale.
Talk the Talk
Your pitch is starting to take shape, but it is nothing until you release it in the wild. Nevertheless, before facing the real world, it is a great idea to pitch to a friendlier crowd first.
If your goal is a life based one, e.g. getting a job or convincing your boss to give you a promotion, your closest friends and family can be of great assistance, as you won’t need expert voices to validate your arguments.
But if your goal is funding your project through an investor or publisher, it is advisable to test your pitch with people with similar background, but no direct knowledge of your project, so they can test its clarity, depth, and logical approach, while asking you pertinent questions that will help you strengthen your presentation.
Don’t be afraid of making a fool of yourself: this is where you test the waters and attempt to be unique and bold. Additionally, don’t take others’ opinions neither for granted nor as the bible. Analyse each comment critically and make a selfish decision of accepting it or not. Afterall, this is your pitch, and you should be confident about it.
Plus, don’t be afraid of having your idea stolen. Firstly, ideas mean nothing without execution. And even when several people execute the same idea, the results differ greatly, as the teams and environments are not the same.
Walk the Walk
Now comes the scary part: going out in the wide world and pitching your idea to the vast community. I understand why many of you are fearful of this process. It implies receiving criticism, having your ideas and convictions broken apart and being denied many times. It requires thick skin and strong mindset, a true belief that it can be achieved, even if it is challenging.
However, whenever I feel I am bowing down to doubt or feel defeated, I use the following tools to help me stand up again (those are MY opinions, not truths, but they help me move forward):
- Nobody knows the future. Therefore, there is a chance you are right, and they are wrong.
- You might lose something by trying to be bold, but you will gain nothing by staying still.
- Failing is only failing if you give up. Otherwise, it is a learning experience.
- Regret for things you have done doesn’t exist if you learnt from it. But regret for things you haven’t done is brutal.
- A wonderful life is based on journeys towards goals, big or small. A life without goals is survival.
- A negative answer to your idea is not a dismissal of your personal accomplishments. ?
- Rejection kills nobody. Use it as a driving force to improve, grow and succeed.
- Know your worth and keep your head high. If anyone can do it, it is you.
- You can’t please everybody. I tend to think of myself as an acquired taste ?
Rinse and Repeat
A pitch is a live idea, being tailored and shaped along the way. Every feedback you receive is an invitation to reflect and update your plans. That doesn't mean you will bend in every direction you are told to, nevertheless it is wise to analyse, repel what doesn’t serve you and absorb the insights that will drive you closer to success.
In this cycle, you will gain confidence, become bolder while seizing opportunities and have a more positive grasp of the realization that your life is whatever you decide to build. I am looking forward to seeing your pitch. Good luck!