Pitching: Five tips to articulate your point of difference
How can you as a business owner influence your next client and have them choose you?
It is likely what you do is offered also by others so why are you different, why are you irresistible and why are you memorable? Think about why and how you choose a supplier or a professional service and what makes them stand out in your mind. If the answer is price and if you adopt this proposition then you will have a problem sustaining your business.
From experience we know that the best way to share what you do in your business is to articulate the value you provide to your client or customer by standing in their shoes. When you can demonstrate this, you are more able to highlight why they have no other choice than to choose you because you totally understand their situation.??
Sharing an experience connects us with others.
“Jennifer Aaker, professor of marketing at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, explains that?stories are up to 22 times more memorable than facts alone. Our brains are just more active when we’re listening to a story. In fact, if you can tell a good story, you can actually?synchronize your listener’s brain with your own. “
One of the popular YTM Conversation cards is “Tell me a story about a client you have helped ”.
At the end of the month we are running an IN PERSON event and pitching is our theme. Six speakers will share their 6 minute pitches. Will our speakers cover the following points, we hope so.
Five tips to articulate your point of difference in a pitch
These five tips are helpful not only to our 6 speakers, but also reminders for you when you are in a similar situation and need to articulate your point of difference in a pitch:
1.??Set the scene and outcome Early
Paint a picture to engage your audience so they can?visualise and feel the discomfort or pain being experienced by your client at the time. and what it would mean in resolving the problem.
2. Give Some Context
Give some context in order to create the appropriate atmosphere for the story. Who were the stakeholders and add details will make the upcoming conflict or challenge much more interesting.
?3. Resolve the Situation
The important thing to focus on is what you did to resolve the situation.
Because the conflict or challenge in your story is going to be the part of your answer that makes it relevant to your connections?question, it’s important to make sure you present this part as directly connected to what the connection wants to know.
4. How were you able to make a difference
With the problem identified, go into more detail about what you did to solve it. This is the part to shine.?Why would the client choose you? Talk about yourself, your skills, and your qualifications, using your actions to illustrate why you are the right choice.?
Remember that the connection is most interested in learning about your personal contributions to the situation.
5. Share the Results
Finally,?talk about the impact your actions had, and give your story some closure if for no other reason than having a nice way to end .
So,?put context to your story, explaining?what the problem was, the steps you took to resolve it and?the results you were able to achieve showing you are the the right?choice for similar situations and they could confidently approach you for assistance and support in similar situations.
It is always good to be prepared for questions you may get of a similar nature, so practice and become confident in your own value and why your client should choose you.?
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