Pitcher Consciousness 5.0

Pitcher Consciousness 5.0

I was recently at a CSUF baseball game selling signed copies of the original version of Pitcher Consciousness. A scout named Jim from the Toronto Blue Jays recommended the book The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol. He said the information in it helped him make it to the big leagues. I read the book and decided to put together an updated version of Pitcher Consciousness. As I have found over the years, the most important thing that determines success for pitchers is efficacy (belief). Efficacy is the belief in your ability to accomplish a task. Al Bandura (RIP) was a psychology professor at Stanford and he had over 50 years of research on self-efficacy. He has a textbook called Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control if you want to go straight to the source.

In Pitcher Consciousness 5.0, I discuss the importance of efficacy when it comes to pitching and expand on the 5 Mental Tools model. The chapters on the 5 Mental Tools are longer and the strategies on how to strengthen them is more concise. The 5 Mental Tools are the 5 cognitive patterns that the best pitchers in the game all have in common. They are the 5 real skills for competing one pitch at a time. The model is essential for pitchers to know if they want to compete at the next/highest level. Scouts, coaches and pitching coordinators can all greatly benefit from reading Pitcher Consciousness 5.0. It should be required reading for minor league pitchers while they are on those long bus rides. The book is also written for softball pitchers at the college level or beyond.

I will provide a brief overview of the 5 Mental Tools. If you want to learn more about them and how to strengthen them, then be sure to get your copy of Pitcher Consciousness 5.0.

The 5 Mental Tools of Pitching (Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved)


  1. PRESENCE - Presence of mind and carrying yourself with Presence. One pitch at a time focus.
  2. INTENT - Me vs you mindset. Throwing every pitch with conviction.
  3. TRUST - Pitchability. Throw any pitch anytime.
  4. COMMAND - Throwing each pitch where you intend and when.
  5. HITTERS AWAY - Out production. How many hitters do you send back to the dugout?

Simply learning what the 5 Mental Tools are will give your approach to pitching (or coaching/scouting pitchers) a quantum leap. They are essentially the cheat codes that scouts and front office personnel will expect pitchers to know. There are also 5 opposite symptoms that detract from the 5 Mental Tools. They are the key reason why so many pitchers struggle.

Minor and major league pitchers all have physical talent. The one thing they all can benefit from learning is the model described above. They need to read Pitcher Consciousness 5.0.

Here's a link to order the book: https://www.amazon.com/Pitcher-Consciousness-5-0-Ballgame-Nolan/dp/B0D5M7DHP5/ref=sr_1_1?crid=5L88HA1UL0G7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.1HcVF5Cd0X3xT1ydKuQcf1a3HoBWYkh17soiKe70NxU.loWbClXb6-l7T4Vrwdczpkd4nT2EoopUqgmks01xGEo&dib_tag=se&keywords=pitcher+consciousness+5.0&qid=1720658797&sprefix=Pitcher+Cons%2Caps%2C1485&sr=8-1

I offer consultations to scouts, coaches and pitchers. Send me a DM on here or email me at: [email protected]


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