The Pitch - Part III
This is a continuation of ten steps of a 'pitch.' Once again, I reiterate that used properly, they're effective. They've been proven to work in one form or another. One of the problems I've found is when used improperly they end up only wasting my time.
After you're shown the results and benefits, then it's time to offer more credibility. The presenter has already stated his/her qualifications earlier and maybe a testimonial. Here, now, is the time for more. They show proof that your solution works for others. They offer further testimonials that the product/course brings success. Also, this creates partnerships with those who can help. These could be people who have learned the method, taken the course, or used the therapy, and are now helping to instruct others.
For my writing, this is associated with reviews. The more positive reviews I receive for the books, the more customers may be attracted and interested to read them.
For a CMMS, you can read some worthwhile?testimonials and case studies.
The Product
They've grabbed your attention, related the problem, shown the results, and given testimonials of others' success. Now is the time to make that offer. "Here's the course/solution/product that I have."
You'll notice I didn't say they would reveal the cost. No, no, no. That comes later. In fact, two steps later. But let's discuss the 'what it is' first.
I think this can be related to writing in two ways. 1. The buildup for the climax of the story. The main character has been working his or her way to this moment. It's the point of highest danger, where the victory is won or lost. 2. A complete story. Does the book have a beginning, middle, and end? This is especially relevant to short stories. Did the character develop (whether positively or otherwise)? Was the story beneficial to the reader in the areas of entertainment, spiritual enlightenment, or intellectual development? Maybe a combination of the three. Were there plot holes or maybe a cliffhanger?
Well, the answer to your maintenance issues is a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). The system works for large and small businesses. Libraries, oil refineries, ethanol plants, large hospitals, warehousing, natural resources, and scores of others.
A CMMS lets you have better control over preventive maintenance, therefore extending the life of your assets and equipment. Better inventory control through item location and automated quantity records. It'll help track meter and gauge readings to assess equipment health. Use a CMMS to manage human resources with employees and system users. Input timecard information. Does your facility use barcoding? A quality CMMS will connect to a barcode printer. With assistance from the CMMS company, the system should be able to integrate with ERP and accounting systems.
They've made the pitch and presented the offer. The next obvious question is: How much will it cost?
Wait! Before they answer that question, they have to show your audience all that you'll receive. This goes back to the first post in this series, where I mentioned all the 'extras' that are given 'value.' The value is priced so that your 'discounted' price will sound too fantastic to turn down.
They have to list several because one or two won't sound good. Many are separated to show that value, with two or more 'bonuses' tacked on to show the value of the entire package. (It's like a college course being separated into chapters of the textbook you're going to be following, with a value attached to each chapter.)
Now, many will then go ahead and tell you the cost, then add 'freebies.' Others will tell the freebies before the price. They may list those with extra values you get for FREE!
For writing, this may be the fact there are other stories in a series available.
Switching back to a CMMS, these value-added items also should be beneficial. These could be features included. Project management, Warranty tracking. Downtime tracking, Depreciation. Multilevel authorizations. Numerous more.
The big value of a CMMS should be its maintenance management planning, training, and continued support. This is on top of superb software.
We've waited until point seven for this revelation. Personally, I think the buildup in some of these webinars is too much, too repetitive, and too filled with fluff. Stop telling me how wonderful it is, how beneficial it is, and get to the cost.
The cost. What will you pay to have the results? What is it going to cost you? For a book, this could be the retail price or a special deal offered.
For a CMMS, I can't tell you. No, I'm not being evasive. The price will be determined by your company's needs. Smaller operations will need fewer modules/features because they don't have as many assets or users. Larger facilities will need more. This is where in-depth planning of what you want from the system followed by a discussion with your CMMS representative will be helpful. You should schedule a demonstration of the system to get an overview of what you'll be working with.
Next week, I'll wrap up with the final three-pitch points. Join me, will you?