Pitch Like a Pro: The Director's Cut

Pitch Like a Pro: The Director's Cut

In a world awash with content, where every second of screen time fights for a slice of your dwindling attention span, the art of the pitch has never been more crucial. To spread the love this Valentine’s Day, I'm unveiling a special offer on my course, "PitchCraft: Ctreating Winning Treatments for TV Commercials," where we dissect the anatomy of a pitch that doesn't just knock on the door but kicks it down.

The Alchemy of the Morning Routine

My day kicks off not with coffee, but with concocting pitches that turn ideas into gold.

This masterclass is a deep dive into:

- The genesis of ground-breaking ideas.

- Drafting like a demon – fast, furious, and without fear.

- Editing with the precision of a scalpel - fast, ruthless, and without mercy.

The Blueprint of a Bulletproof Pitch

We're not just scratching the surface; we're mining the depths for the secrets to persuasive, compelling, and unforgettable pitches.

- Mastering the art of the tease with that dance between clarity and curiosity.

- Harnessing humour, not just to crack a smile, but to crack the code of engagement and memorability.

- Weaving words into a tapestry that captivates, convinces, and converts.

- The paradox of self-promotion: how to sell your idea without selling your soul.

- Overcoming the twin tyrants of creative block and imposter syndrome with insights that ignite creativity and boost confidence.

- And so much more, from knowing what to do on the call to the nuances of narrative storytelling, all designed to push?your pitch from good to unforgettable.

Limited Time Offer

Because I believe in the transformative power of this course, I'm making it available for a special price, but only if you act before the clock strikes midnight on Valentines.

Here's the full bells and whistles landing page at the normal price. It includes a digital copy of my book LIFE'S A PITCH with a dozen treatment examples and playbooks, worksheets on BoardFlow, Pro Tips, Writing Workshops and everything I've taught over the last 5 years.


Right now it’s Carnivale in Rio, and to celebrate Valentines,?I'm happy to offer it to my immediate network for £147 which is?80%?OFF?until midnight Feb 14th GMT.

The link? It's right below. Click it with conviction, and step into a world where your pitches not only resonate but reverberate across the industry.


Here's to you winning more work!


