PISS on Burnout
Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA
President and CEO, Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, another lousy golfer, terrible cook
There is a lot of concern about breakouts of antibiotic resistant infections and I've suggested PISSing on the problem. But there is another epidemic in our midst that is just as deadly-sick care worker burnout. drop out and suicide.
How did you score on this checklist?
All Points North?(APN) recently released a report based on the results of a survey entitled, “2022 State of Mental Health: American Healthcare Workers Report.”?
Key highlights from the report include:
The report adds that “1 in 5 healthcare workers have checked into rehab or a detox facility in the last three months, but 14 percent of the population surveyed say they don’t want to admit they have a problem.
From 2022 to 2023, 35.7% of doctors said they had a moderate interest in leaving their current jobs within the next two years, or that they would like to or definitely would leave in that time period, says the national physician comparison report.
Though that figure is down from 39.3% in 2022, intent to leave was highest among physicians who were 20 or more years out of training, at 40.8%. Among part-time physicians, 39.1% reported intention to leave their current position, compared to 34.9% of full-time physicians. Among male physicians, 35.9% reported planning to depart, compared to 33.2% of women.
The physician specialties with the highest intent to leave were:
Maybe we should do some applied urinary epidemiology on that problem too:
1. Prevention: It's been demonstrated that burnout prevention interventions work best when there are personal and organizational tools brought to bear. However, the outcomes fatigue so it takes ongoing vigilance and monitoring. Changing the warrior mentality of medical workers would also help but that means changing the culture of medical education and training. Researchers have identified three types of burnout:?overload, under-challenged, and neglect — and provides readers with signs to watch out for, and tips on how to overcome each type.
We also need to give medical students and residents an adequate job preview and the KSAs and the hidden curriculum they will not learn during their formal training to insure Physician Information about career Success and Satisfaction.
2. Innovative ways to detect and treat burnout. Some have hired in-house corporate chaplains or counselors , use behavioral health apps or telepsychiatry. A new AI tool from Washington University in St. Louis researchers aims to help identify burnout among physicians and could potentially prevent it in the future.
3. Surveillance. Self-reporting does not work. Snitching does not work either. We need better ways to keep track of who is in trouble or likely to be and a way to measure the burnout impact factor of organizations.
4. Stewardship. Stop piling on administrivia, rules, regulations, red tape and bad bosses who simply get between the patient and their doctors and add little or no value to patients.
There is a difference between burnout and moral injury. ??
Burnout results from :
Personal issues with resulting behavioral health problems
2. Organizational stressors , particularly workflow and process problems involving job roles , administrivia and EMRs , cyberhacking and ransomeware and workforce disruptions and gaps and bad bosses and managers. Where are the leaderpreneurs? What do they need to know how to do?
??Burnt out employees show that there are urgent problems to be addressed at the heart of any organization. But burnout is a management and organizational issue, not a physical or mental health issue, so promoting self-care won’t usually help employees recover.?There are five critical steps leaders should follow to design better job matches for their employees.
Physician burnout is largely influenced by workplace structure and experiences. That is where team-based and safe-care delivery can help, according to a study published in The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety.?
In the study, “Teamwork Climate, Safety Climate, and Physician Burnout: A National, Cross-Sectional Study,” 1,218 U.S. doctors nationwide were surveyed about burnout and workplace experiences, including teamwork and safety climate. Teamwork climate is assessed through six questions, while safety climate is measured via seven questions—all measured on a five-point Likert scale that ranges from disagree strongly to agree strongly. Questions are averaged by domain to develop mean scores for teamwork and safety climate
3. Systemic dysfunction, like prior authorization, reimbursement, rules and regulations and malpractice threats.
?Critical workplace issues — e.g., the problematic quality of leadership within organizations, the threats to employee mental health and well-being, and the lack of belonging and inclusion — are primarily attributable to systemic factors embedded in organizational cultures and processes. And yet, many of these and other issues are still mainly addressed on the individual level. Why do organizations keep investing in remedies that don’t work and have little chance of working? An automatic bias in how we perceive and explain the world is a likely culprit. This author explains how that “superbias” manifests — and what leaders can do to combat it in their organizations.
Some argue that placing the burden of relief of bunout is a personal responsibility, when, it fact, it is medical gaslighting and that physicians are burnt out because the entire medical system is built on exploiting the ethics that brought them into the field in the first place. It's built on taking advantage of the fact that they don't unionize, don't strike, and don't demand change
A new wave of healthcare startups is using artificial intelligence to reduce the load on medical professionals and fill nursing staff shortages.
Moral injury is experienced as a trauma response to witnessing or participating in workplace behaviors that contradict one’s moral beliefs in high-stakes situations and that have the potential of harming others physically, psychologically, socially, or economically, and it could prompt people to leave a company. It was first studied in veterans who’d witnessed atrocities of war. More recently, this research has been extended to health care, education, social work, and other high-pressure and often under-resourced occupations. The past two years have made it increasingly clear that moral injury can occur in many contexts and populations, including the workplace. As a new world of work unfolds before us and the pact between employee and employer gets rewritten, leaders have to learn and evolve to keep pace. These authors present six things leaders can do to ensure their actions aren’t unintentionally injuring the moral center of those they lead.
I would add:
6. Integrate education and training about burnout in medical schools and residency training programs. Tell them the truth about the dark underbelly of medicine. Help job seekers understand different organizational and job cultures.
7. Create incentives for physician entrepreneurs to develop and deploy new products and services that reduce administrivia and workflow dysfunction. Restore the joy of medicine.
8. Redefine job roles and encourage side gigs and exit ramps
9. Confront medical oligopolies resulting from vertical integration and consolidation and policies that create burnout as more and more doctors become employed physicians.
10. Measure the burnout impact factor of new technologies. Stop frying doctors with your digital health solution that just adds more technofatigue.
For far too many, the Iceman Cometh: Increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job, cynicism from your job and mental and physical exhaustion.
The World Health Organization characterizes burnout as comprising three key dimensions: sustained feelings of exhaustion, feelings of personal inefficacy, and increased mental distance from one’s job. In this article, this author outlines nine questions to ask yourself under each of these three categories to help you diagnose what’s causing your burnout.
Much Like Eugen O'Neill's play, The central contention is the human need for self-deceptions or "pipe dreams" to carry on with life: to abandon them or to see them for the lies that they are is to risk death.
Doctors are screaming for attention to fix the problem. Since employers have demonstrated an unwillingness to do so, clinicians need to cover each other's back. I've got your six.
Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA is the President and CEO of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs on Substack
President and CEO, Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, another lousy golfer, terrible cook
11 个月2020-21 Survey For mild to severe depression symptoms, survey responses were collected from physicians practicing in 20 different specialties.?The highest rates of mild to severe depression symptoms occurred among these 10 physician specialties. They were: Urology: 38.5%. Emergency medicine: 38.3%. Family medicine: 35.8%. Obstetrics and gynecology: 33.6%. General internal medicine: 33.3%. Physical medicine and rehabilitation: 32.7%. Radiology: 32%. Pediatric subspecialty: 31.9%. Psychiatry: 31.8%. Dermatology: 31.6%. Ophthalmology had the lowest rate of depression at 19.1%.
Board-Certified Cardiologist and Compassionate Patient Advocate
10 年Yes, I think it's training to be a warrior, but I don't see as much as the years go by. Perhaps they have listened to Bill Joel's son and taken it to hear, 'You're Only Human'. Have a great Friday everyone and remember to enjoy all the time you can. It's not going to come again!! Thanks again, Arlen for a great post.
attending physician, scientist bei Hannover Medical School
10 年That's very true! Maybe to get rid of the myth that doctors can solve every problem and fix every disease in no time at all would help too to put things into perspective. In my experience especially young and very motivated people try too hard to fulfill every request (administrative and patient care). They forget that they have to relax every once in a while. And of course doctors should take care of each other, nobody else will.