Pisano Academy - Keep the Tab Open #34

Pisano Academy - Keep the Tab Open #34

Welcome to the thirty-fourth issue of the Pisano LinkedIn Newsletter! Stay tuned with us as we provide fresh news and information from the experience management world every other week, right here on LinkedIn!

We will focus on different topics, mainly on Customer Experience as well as Employee Experience and the Voice of Customer. Of course, this newsletter is not limited to Experience Management only, as you will find inspirational resources that are outside the loop but will be helpful to you professionally.

We will share insights from Pisano Academy as well as our guest writers, who will contribute with their knowledge.

How Net Promoter Score is Calculated: A Step by Step Guide to Measuring the NPS

One of the most complex parts of every feedback gathering campaign is to clean up the data and calculate the results. Fortunately, this step is much easier when you are using the Net Promoter Score metric, as the data is already clean and ready to interpret.

The only thing you need to do to calculate the NPS is to gather the data, put it inside a formula and there comes the final result. It is even easy to decode the result as you are facing some positive or negative percentages.

In this article, we will take a look at how the Net Promoter Score is calculated. If you were wondering how to interpret your business’ performance in terms of experience management and got lost in an ocean of passives, promoters and detractors, read this article from Pisano Academy until the end.

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The sixth step of the Employee Life Cycle. The exit processes of the candidates who will leave the organization (Ex Exit Interview, Alumni) are followed at this stage.

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How to Manage Return-to-Office or Revised Hybrid Work Mandates

Do you know how to get from point A to point B? Without a guide, signposts or a clear set of directions, even the most motivated hikers in the world will be challenged and conflicted. To reach your organizational goals or future destinations, a clear set of values serve as a road map, guiding supply chain’s people and teams on where to go, how to work together and respond to change.

However, sometimes the stated values of our organization oppose the values that are carried out. Values may not always reflect the way things are being done. “How” we do work — our policies, principles or practices. When conflicting values or directions exist, lack of certainty in what the organization values makes navigating change difficult for employees to understand and support. And it makes it even more challenging for chief supply chain officers (CSCOs) and other leaders to communicate and implement effectively.

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Customer Satisfaction: Metrics That Matter + How to Improve Them

It can be hard to get a real sense of how your customers feel about your business. In this video, we take a deeper look at the key questions you can ask (and how you should ask them) to figure out the ways you can improve customer relations.

The One Thing Every Customer Experience Person Should STOP Doing Right Now

Several days ago I was entertained by a random collection of blogs from various sources that arrived in my inbox at the same time. The sources ranged from leadership experts to social media influencers. The topics were all a variation of: “The One thing _________ should stop doing right now.” Some blogs were whimsical, like stop using certain emojis or #hashtags. Others were more serious, like those that were raising an alarm about practiced behaviors that are extremely detrimental to personal health, such as smoking. In the leadership blogs, wasting time was a recurring theme as well as the abuse of email.

In keeping with this trend, here is a somewhat “tongue and cheek” version of the one thing that every customer experience leader should stop doing right now.

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Is It Real or Imagined? Here’s How Your Brain Tells the Difference

Although the brain is very competent at assessing the images in our minds, it appears that “this kind of reality checking is a serious struggle,” said Lars Muckli, a professor of visual and cognitive neurosciences at the University of Glasgow. The new findings raise questions about whether variations or alterations in this system could lead to hallucinations, invasive thoughts, or even dreaming.

“They’ve done a great job, in my opinion, of taking an issue that philosophers have been debating about for centuries and defining models with predictable outcomes and testing them,” Naselaris said.

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