Piracy & Armed Robbery Weekly Report 30 Aug-05 Sep, 2022
Three incidents of armed robbery & #piracy against ships in Asia were reported. One incident occurred on board a bulk carrier while anchored at Belawan Anchorage, Indonesia where several unsecured items were reported. The other two incidents occurred to a barge while being towed, and to a Bulk Carrier while underway. Both #incidents occurred in the eastbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme in the #singapore Strait. Scrap metals were stolen from the barge, and spare parts of generator were stolen from the bulk carrier.
All crew members were safe in the three incidents.
The ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre urges #ship master and crew to report all incidents of #piracy and armed?robbery against ships to the nearest coastal State and flag State to exercise vigilance and?adopt relevant preventive measures, like; the?advanced Ship Security Alert System SSAS.
Ship Security Alert System?(SSAS) is part of the ISPS code and is a system that contributes to the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO)’s efforts to strengthen maritime security and suppress acts of terrorism and piracy against shipping.
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#maritimesecurity #maritimesafety #shipsecurity #vesselsecurity #boatsecurity #maritimeindustry #maritimecommunication #shipsecurityalertsystem #seapiracy #terrorism #securitysystem #fleetmanagementsystem #shipmanagement #vesselmanagement
Courtesy: ReCAAP