Pipeworks studio team at work...

Pipeworks studio team at work...

Each instructor and class develops their own learning and test taking philosophy for the CAPM/PMP certification exam. In our case we decided on the hear, say, do and write philosophy to learn the methods and strategies of Project Management Practitioners.

This week marks the 6th and last session of a full day hard at work with the PMBOK and Velociteach student kits. Class discussions, test taking and individual home study prepares the student for the certification exam at Pearson Vue facilities. PMI Global has changed testing centers in the last month to Pearson Vue facilities.

With the knowledge that the PMI CAPM/PMP exam test outline changes will take effect 1 July 2020, this Team decided to get it done now and avoid the changes and the rush in early 2020. Check out the link on our Chapter website, www.pmiwv.org, for more change information.

With this Friday being our last session, the Team has requested we focus on understanding how PMI structures questions, the PMI-ism in use and how to properly diagnose those long winded story-type questions.

Enjoy Halloween.

Plan to join us for our next CAPM/PMP exam prep in Salem, January 2020. Watch our website for details...

Good fortune to the test takers!



Clyde Raymer, Jr., B.A., PMP的更多文章

