Pipeline and Vessel Threaded Closures. Meter Runs and Blowdowns

Pipeline and Vessel Threaded Closures. Meter Runs and Blowdowns

What are Threaded Quick Opening Closures?

Tube Turns? manufactures Threaded closures in popular sizes ranging from 2" through 24" in ANSI class 150 through 900. Threaded closures in 26" through 42" are available up to ANSI class 600. Threaded closures are available in horizontal and vertical orientations. Threaded closures offer safety with a simple design that consists of only a head, welding hub, pressure warning device, integrated tool to assist in opening and closing the larger size closures, and heavy-duty hinging hardware with adjustable davit mechanisms on larger sizes. Tube Turns? Threaded Closures are manufactured utilizing the precision of CNC machining to provide accurate and consistent dimensions.


All Tube Turns Threaded Closures are designed in accordance with Section VIII, Division 1 of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Prototype testing utilizing strain gages was conducted to prove the design basis and strength requirements of the closure geometry. The strain gage results were compared to finite element analysis for theoretical agreement to meet the allowable stresses prescribed in the ASME Pressure Vessel Code. The hydrostatic testing and strain gauge testing was witnessed by an independent authorized inspection agency. ASME Code Stamping and Partial Data Reports are available at the time of order at a nominal extra cost, verifying shop inspection of the unit by a commissioned inspector of the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. Alternatively, we can supply, at no extra charge, our Manufacturer’s Statement of Code Compliance to ASME Section VIII, Division 1. We can certify D.O.T. Title 49 Part 192 or Part 195, ASME B31.3, ASME B31.4, or ASME B31.8. 

Two vertical threaded closures used to access pressure vessel.


Threaded Closures meet ASME Section VIII, Division I requirements. Each Threaded Closure has a pressure-warning device to alert the operator of any internal pressure in the pipe or vessel before opening the head. Also, the O-ring gasket seal is broken before the Hub/Head ACME Threads are completely disengaged which allows pressure to bleed and provides an additional warning to the operator of existing internal pressure.

Operational Assurance

To assure that the Threaded Closure will consistently open and close easily, Tube Turns? applies a Flouropolymer coating on the ACME head and hub threads that provides corrosion resistance and solid film lubrication. This coating, used in combination with appropriate lubricant on the threads, assures reliable closure operation. The Pressure Warning Device is manufactured from Stainless Steel to provide corrosion protection for this safety item.

dimensional drawing of pipeline threaded closure. Used on pig traps and filters

Quality Assurance

Tube Turns? Quality Control System is in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division I, Appendix 10 and is audited by an Authorized Inspection Agency. ASME Code Stamping and Partial Data Reports are available at the time of order at a nominal extra cost.

O-Ring Materials

The materials most often used for closure O-rings are discussed below. Technical information as to properties and usages of gasket material is based on data and recommendations of the manufacturers of the materials. Determination of the compatibility of the O-ring material is the responsibility of the purchaser.

Buna-N General service. Resistant to petroleum base hydraulic and lubricating oils; animal and vegetable oils; gases such as butane, propane, acetylene and natural gas, aromatic and nonaromatic fuels such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, and fuel oils, anhydrous ammonia and water. Temperature limits -30 °F to 250 °F; (-34 °C to 121 °C) special compounds suitable to -65 °F (-54 °C). 

Fluoroelastomer (FKM) Generally used for high-temperature services. Resistant to synthetic lubricants, petroleum base products, some chlorinated solvents, benzene, toluene, and many acids and alkalies. FKM is also used for sour gas and oil service. Temperature limits -15°F to 400°F (-26 °C to 204 °C). 

Ethylene Propylene Superior resistance to phosphateester type fluids, Skydrol, Pydrol,Cellulubes, and glycol type coolants. Excellent resistance to mild acids and alkalies. Can be used in steam service. Replacing butyl rubber in most applications. Temperature limits -70 °F to 250 °F. (-57 °C to 121 °C) 

Silicone Rubber Good resistance to high and low-temperature dry gases, air, oxygen, and ozone. Maybe satisfactory in high-analine oils, but not recommended for use with most petroleum-based products and steam. Temperature limits -65 °F to 450 °F. (-54 °C to 232 °C) 

4" CL600 vertical threaded quick opening closure shown with davit arm to swing out of the way.

Data Needed to Provide a Quote

In order to reply promptly to inquiries and service orders, the following basic order data requirements are needed: 


2.Maximum wall thickness of the pipe and yield strength 

3.Maximum design pressure 

4.Maximum and minimum design temperature 

5.Corrosion allowance 

6.Code requirements (stamp, certifications, etc) 


8.Maximum test pressure 

9.O-ring material (Buna-N is standard) 

10.Installation position: Closure centerline either horizontal or vertical a.Horizontal hinge requirement either left hand (standard) or right hand. See Closure Dimension table for details on hinging. 



For Sales Support and General Questions Contact:

Robert Stanton- Owner/Sales 

CELL (219-851-3333)

[email protected] 

Nick Stanton- Sales Manager 

CELL (219-363-3949)

[email protected] 

Stanton Sales & Service LLC

2397 E Division Rd, La Porte, IN 46350, US

Office Phone- 219-363-3949 [email protected]


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