Pinwheel Pages Issue 176 | July/August 2024
Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care
Advancing the understanding and practice of patient- and family-centered care in all health care settings
We invite you to explore the Pinwheel Pages this month for a wealth of resources and educational programs that will inspire and guide you in your patient- and family-centered care journey.
Kind regards,
The IPFCC Team
IPFCC on the Main Stage at the Putting Care at the Center Conference
Pam Dardess, IPFCC Vice President, will be part of the INSPIRE team's main stage session at Putting Care at the Center, the annual conference of the Camden Coalition’s National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs initiative. This year's conference theme is "From partnerships to ecosystems of care." Register here and join us!
INSPIRE Roadmap for Effective Community Engagement in Healthcare
Learn how organizations can engage members of the communities they serve to build trust, advance health equity, and improve care outcomes in a new report from INSPIRE. It’s a roadmap for how organizations can go beyond inviting the community to the table toward learning how to build the table from the ground up together. Stay tuned for more tools coming out over the next year from the INSPIRE team, that will help translate the recommendations in this roadmap into action. Learn more and access the report here .
Authentic Community Engagement and Representativeness in Patient and Family Partnerships
Bev Johnson, IPFCC CEO, and Jazmine Orazi, IPFCC Program Manager, presented for the Community Engagement Strategies Webinar Series sponsored by the California Safety Net Institute. The IPFCC team discussed practical and effective approaches to build partnerships with patients and families who reflect the diversity of populations served by the public health systems of California. Using the frameworks of patient- and family-centered care and authentic community engagement, the team shared strategies for leadership support, recruitment and selection of patient and family advisors, orientation, support, meeting facilitation, and ongoing evaluation.
Upcoming Opportunity: DEI Learning Community for Patient and Family Advisory Councils
Later this summer, IPFCC will open applications for a Learning Community to support children’s hospitals in advancing PFAC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The PFAC DEI Learning Community will provide guidance, tools, education, and technical assistance to help hospitals make progress on opportunities to improve PFAC DEI . If you are interested in the Learning Collaborative, please reach out to Pam Dardess, [email protected] .
Understanding Authentic Community Engagement
Pam Dardess, IPFCC's Vice President of Strategic Initiatives and Operations, co-presented a webinar, Building the Table Together, Lessons on Authentic Community Engagement from INSPIRE. The webinar focused on community engagement including sharing what meaningful community engagement means, findings from research, and practical steps others can take and it ended with interactive discussion with attendees. Access the recording .
Resources and Opportunities
PCORI Research Fundamentals Online Learning Module Debuts
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has developed a set of Foundational Expectations for Partnerships in Research — six building blocks designed to support active partnerships between researchers, patients and other partners to foster a more inclusive research culture and advance health equity. This resource is an update to PCORI’s 2014 Engagement Rubric and builds on the experiences of and learnings from PCORI awardees over the last 10 years and reflects evidence about engagement since the Rubric’s initial release. The Foundational Expectations provide a structured and more systematic way to organize how teams think about and plan for engagement. Access the resource .
Apply Now for the 2025 AHA Quest for Quality Prize?
Through its Quest for Quality Prize, AHA recognizes health care leadership and innovation in improving quality and advancing health of individuals and communities. The award raises awareness of the value of a hospital-wide/system-wide commitment to advancing health in America by providing access to exceptional quality, safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, patient- and family-centered and affordable care that promotes individual and community well-being. It showcases successful efforts to develop and promote new and innovative models of care, services, and collaboration.
Applications must be submitted online by September 13, 2024. This prize will be presented at the 2025 AHA Leadership Summit to be held in Nashville in July 2025. Prize and application information can be accessed here .
Impact of COVID-19 on Long-Term Care
A team of Canadian patient and public partners and researchers studied the impact that COVID-19 had on physical health, mental health, and well-being of residents in long-term care. One-hundred and eighty four care partners completed the survey to share their perspectives. Findings are discussed in detail in the report, Through the Looking Glass. Access the report here .
Thank You to Our 2024 Pinwheel Sponsors!
Bev Johnson will be facilitating complimentary, informal Pinwheel Leadership Forum sessions with our 2024 Pinwheel Sponsors’ PFCC and PFP leaders beginning in August to further support these sponsors and encourage connections among these leaders. Learn more about our Pinwheel Sponsor Program or contact Sherry Hajec, [email protected] .
Providence Health Care
University Health
Health System
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Akron Children’s Hospital
Alliant Health Solutions
American College of Radiology
Children’s Mercy Kansas City
Children’s Minnesota
Children’s Specialized Hospital
IWK Health Centre
Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center
MHA Keystone Center
Moffitt Cancer Center
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
St. Louis Children’s Hospital
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital
University of Miami Health System
University of New Mexico Children's Hospital
Wellstar MCG (formerly Augusta Health)
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