Pinning Down Luck
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Pinning Down Luck

Luck: Defined (Google) as "Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions.”

Right away I bet the word ‘apparently 'caught your eye, like it did mine. The word apparently leaves us with no clear definition of the word, right? It could be a result caused by chance OR our own actions.

Take the case that Luck occurs only as a result of our actions (and no one else’s). That means there are no ‘chance occurrences!’ It means what someone else does, does not cause or detract from your Luck! They cause theirs and you cause yours.

Take the case that even Lottery winners have caused their own wins! Is that even possible? Or, you may be thinking, “How can I do that, too!” I hear you. And ... take the Case that you CAN cause your own WINs!

5 Perspectives in Understanding the Concept of Luck. The purpose? Use what we know to influence and cause our own Luck!

1. How we feel (or how every cell in our body vibrates; high or low) matters. Thoughts have associated emotions that have us feel a certain way. Simply put, when we do (and think) good things consistently, for or about others as example, those feelings cause us to ‘vibrate!’ (In fact we do vibrate!) The longer we can feel like that the more we cause things at that same vibration to gravitate toward us. Things we want then will show up, yet often not right away. It often shows up long after we wanted it so much and then we call it a coincidence. It isn’t. It’s your Luck.

2. How we see things (our perspective) happening. Every time we learn something (like all the time) our view or perspective of a thing grows and changes. Take for example the ‘luck’ we have getting a parking spot easily. You might wonder to yourself “why is there never a spot for me?” when someone gets that one last spot. If you begin to visualize (see it wide open and waiting) an open spot just for you when you leave for your destination, you are sending a message to the universe that this is what you want and exactly where you are headed. Very often you will get that spot because consider, very few people are doing this! When the spot is taken, alas, how we see it then is important. Rather than seeing it as “I guess this doesn’t work,” see it as “it was someone else’s turn,” or “they were visualizing the space too!” This way you maintain feeling good, whether you got the spot or someone else did.

3. How we are an equal and integral part of the process. No one really has any more ‘luck’ than anyone else. Everyone is part of this game, whether they play consciously or not. Things are happening even if we don’t yet know about them or understand them. As for Lottery winners ... do we know how much good they have done in the world? Is their need or want bigger or more pronounced than yours? Do they deserve it? Is there a lesson they are supposed to learn (like losing it all and coming back)? There are as many scenarios as there are people. As we elevate ourselves some 30,000 feet above the world (imagine) it is impossible to tell who is doing the most good, is feeling the best, the longest over periods of time. We each create and fill our own ‘karmic bank account’ throughout our lives with good deeds and feelings. Our gifts will show up, most often unexpectedly (and if we notice), when it is our turn. Everyone gets a turn.

4. Why you have the power to influence your luck over time. Once you begin the practice of being aware of how you feel, which comes from the thoughts you think the most, you know what very few do. That’s one way to influence your own outcome. Then when you begin to ‘notice’ when things show up unexpectedly that you wanted very much, there is your luck! You might call it luck or coincidence, yet consider that your vibration over years of thinking and feeling based on positive and/or negative thoughts caused or influenced your outcome.

5. Allowing your luck to be proof of Faith. The Universe is designed to give you what you want and it will match your greatest good. It hears your call when you are feeling good because you are grateful and giving, how you feel matches how we are supposed to feel as much as possible. It delivers good things all the time, all around us. Now it is up to us to recognize those things as gifts, special rewards, miracles, if you will, and what you deserve for being at your highest vibration. It is not by chance. You are the source and the cause of all your results, and luck is part of them. You may think of something horrific happening to someone, something they didn’t deserve. Remember just because we don’t understand why or how it happened does not mean it wasn’t caused the same way each of us influences our results.

“If it wasn’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.” —Walter Mosley

This quote is about proof of Faith ... The opposite is also true for the person who says over and over again to themselves ...

“All my luck is good luck for which I am wholly grateful!”—Leslie Thomas Flowers

Begin to see people and opportunities that show up rather unexpectedly ... as your Luck! You, after all, caused it!

Leslie Thomas Flowers is a trailblazer for women in business by teaching them business success skills to ask for what they deserve and be paid. Her high-performance women's mastermind program has her clients enjoy "extraordinary results as routine." Next opening Q3 2019.


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