Pink Pedals 4 A Cure | Terry's Ride | AL'S NEW YORK ARRIVAL UPDATE: 07/13/18 8:32 a.m. (CDT) 'Today Is The Day!'
Kevin W. Reszel
Chief Marketing Officer + Founder at RESZEL iNDUSTRIES iNC. | Marketing & Advertising Strategist, Creative, Advocate, Coach
Al Reszel made his way across the Hudson River a few minutes ago, getting ready for the short 7-mile ride to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) global office.
Al will arrive at the global office of BCRF TODAY at 9:30 a.m. (Central)/10:30 a.m. (Eastern). You can watch the arrival event unfold LIVE on the BCRF Facebook page at
If you haven’t already done so, please MAKE A DONATION to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) on the Pink Pedals 4 A Cure | Terry's Ride fundraising page. Thank you.