Pimples and Periods by Flo Barnett
Dealing with ugly zits, school bullies, and a three-day suspension leaves Danny Kolinski sad and angry. His younger sister, Betty Lou, has her own problems. Most of her seventh-grade friends are wearing bras, but she remains flat-chested. To compensate for her delayed development, Betty Lou takes extreme measures to make herself look and feel better.
Luckily for Danny and Betty Lou, they have a family who loves them. By having heart-to-heart talks with Mom and Baba, brother and sister realize that their problems are normal, and will strengthen their characters in the future.
About the Book:-
Pimples And Periods is the third book in the series, "When We Were Kids' which is set in the Fifties.
It is mostly the story of the author's life during puberty, her brother's battle with puberty issues is also related.
PAP is meant to educate both girls and boys on this monumental phase of their lives yet in a very funny & interesting manner.
This story is based on the author's childhood and the photos and details of her own life are very interesting.
It focuses on the rollercoaster of emotions today's tweens and teens experience when beginning puberty.
Issues including low self-esteem, peer pressure, and bullying are also addressed.
Both factual and funny, this amazing book is for boys just as much as it is for girls.
This sweet novella allows adults to experience the highs and lows of their development without being embarrassed or pressured.
Teens will identify with this read, and be glad they came along with the author for this wild ride!
An excellent picture of what's important to kids! Insightful for boys and girls!
Anyone who has a young teen in their family can gift this book and know there’s a lesson for them that’s well worth learning.
The antecedent nature of the story gave an interesting first-person twist to a thoughtful story.