PiMothers: Parenting in Pandemic Series
Hello fellow parents in tech,
COVID-19 affected everyone around the globe. However, working parents are in a double whammy.
When I started PiMothers, I wanted to share the stories of mothers in tech who “do it all”... but I never imagined that there would come a time, when we would have to literally do it all - taking care of the kids, taking care of the household chores - cooking, cleaning, dishes, and all while work responsibilities kept doubling up.
I have a toddler at home, and we are two working parents. So we barely have time to catch a breath, leave aside, and think of how others are dealing with it.
When a friend of mine, who is also a colleague at LinkedIn, Shivani Rao, offered her help to restart sharing stories of working parents on PiMothers, I was extremely delighted.
With her help and inspiration, we are kick starting "Parenting in Pandemic Series" - focusing on working parents - moms and dads - in the field of technology to share tips, tricks, challenges, opportunities, mental health and wellbeing on working from home with kid(s). If you’d like to participate, please let us know via this short call for participation.