The story about a little girl Pihu.
Usually we have been seeing that ,some couples are talking, if our marriage life is not going smoothly ,then it is better to end it and move on .It is easy to hear that lets end it …..but have we ever thought ,how difficult it is. Lets find out in this story for this separation how some families are suffering .What is the impact of this separation on their families. I got transfer to another city for my 2nd job and it was beautiful city .I stayed in a rented house. It was a very beautiful flat .I was leaving in 2nd floor of this flat. There was a family staying in 3rd floor. They were 3 members on that family and they were father, mother and a beautiful girl. Every day I was meeting them in our lawn in morning exercise time. Every time I tried to talk with them but strange ,they were not replying me ever. I got confuse why they were showing me this type of behavior. I thought I was new for them in that time ,so they were reacting like that. But from my other neighbour I got to know that they were showing same behavior to all and it was so strange for me. I thought something is wrong there. So every day I tried to greet them good morning. Once morning I met a beautiful little girl who was sitting in front of my room’s balcony. I got surprise because I had never seen her before that. I went to her and greet her ‘Hii’ she just stared at me and ran away towards the 3rd then I got to know that beautiful girl was their daughter. At that time I was conform that, something is not good with this family. Day by day my curiosity was increasing to know that what is going on with this family. Why they all were showing very strange behaviour.
Once I got a golden chance to talk with this beautiful girl when she was playing aloe in front of my balcony. I started to talk with her saying ‘Hii’ and that day was my good luck she replied me .That day I got to know her name and her name was Pihu. She was 7 years old very beautiful girl. On that day I realized that some where she was not happy, she was very scared to talk with me. She was not comfortable with me. But still I made her comfortable to talk with me. On that day I played with her I talked with her but I dint ask her anything about her family. Now she stared to talk with me and I was also very happy to got a new friend as Pihu. After my office, everyday I was running towards lawn to meet my friend Pihu. But I was also not feel good because I didn’t find her with smile on her face ever. She was just 7years old but she was looking very depressed . She had not that ,childish happiness on her face. Once I got chance to ask her why she is not happy why she is staying very depressed. She answered me , I have heard that ,in coming month my parent are getting divorce ,and after that they will be separate. She asked me to suggest her with whom she will be stay. She said I am not able to choose with I whom I will be stay. On that day I could feel her pain ,how much she was suffering for her parent’s decision. She explained me how her friends were teasing her in her school. Really, I got goosebumps to see her pain. She explained how they were happy all before, they were going to picnic in holidays ,they were outing together ,they were taking food together ,they were going for a long drive together but after some days suddenly it changed and her parents started abusing each other and because of that now they are going to get divorce. She explained now her parent ignoring her they are not showing that kind of love and attention to her what they were showing it before. Now they are not going outside, not eating together, not going for long drive ,even not talking to each other. It was hurting her very much .She was loving her Mama Papa very much. She was not wanting to see their separation. She was totally helpless. On that day I could feel her pain what she was going through. She asked me that, if my parent will be separate then, with whom I will be stay because I love and respect both .I was also speechless ,I didn’t understand what I will be answer her. I just made her understand everything will be fine. On that day I got to know that how painful is that. If the parent are getting divorce then it is directly affected their kids and families. It is easy to say that ,if marriage is not going smoothly then get separate legally. But we are not thinking how badly it affected to our families. In our society the religious scriptures clearly sate that, from the beginning of creation “ God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave father and mother and be joined to his wife and two shall become one flesh .Therefore what God has joined together”. So that lets no one get separate at least for our kids and families. This process is so difficult to bear for kids. After some days I got chance to talk with Pihu’s Parent and I discussed everything about Pihu ,how she was going through for their decision and thank God they understood everything and they decided to not get divorce for Pihu. After that ,I saw a different Pihu. She was very happy for their parents. Few weeks later his father got transfer to another city and they went there. Pihu taught me many thing .Hope now they are happy family.
Written By
Sonam Nayak