Pietro Lattao, Content Creator & Fragrance Educator at Douglas Italia

Pietro Lattao, Content Creator & Fragrance Educator at Douglas Italia

Hi, Pietro Lattao . Can you share where you are from and little about your position at DOUGLAS ITALIA ?

Pietro Lattao : Hello, I’m Pietro Lattao, I’m Italian, and I recently graduated with a Master’s degree in Digital Fashion Communication. My career path is quite unique, as I work on social media as a content creator and fragrance educator. During the master’s program, I had the opportunity to collaborate with various companies, but the most significant one for my professional growth has been with DOUGLAS ITALIA . With them, I work on content creation to communicate fragrances on social networks, aiming to bring the audience closer to the world of perfumery.

How long have you been working for DOUGLAS ITALIA ??

Pietro Lattao : I started creating content on social media about two years ago and have been collaborating with DOUGLAS ITALIA for about one year now.

What was the process like while applying for your position??

Pietro Lattao : I have to admit that there wasn’t a traditional selection process. I’m happy to share this because the world of content creators and influencers is quite fascinating, especially for students in the master’s program who might find themselves in my position in the future or work for brands that collaborate with influencers. The selection happens organically on social media—through connections formed on these platforms. What truly binds creators to a brand are the shared values. In a way, creators become the brand’s image, so it’s crucial that the values, image, and creative approach are aligned to create a consistent experience for the audience.

What is the part of your job that you enjoy the most?

Pietro Lattao : The part I enjoy the most is definitely being positioned between two worlds: on one side, the companies with their precise strategies, calendars, and deadlines, and on the other side, the audience, where feelings and emotions drive everything. I love the freedom to express myself openly about the products, but I also feel a responsibility to create high-quality content, ensuring that it is both informative and educational.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced in your career so far??

Pietro Lattao : In the working life of a content creator, I think the biggest challenge (which is also the most dynamic part) is always having new ideas and being constantly informed about new launches and everything that happens in the market.

Was there a class from the Digital Fashion Communication master that has specifically benefited you in your career journey?

Pietro Lattao : Absolutely, but not just one. Brand Management (Professor Luca M. Visconti ) definitely gave me the tools to understand the importance of business decisions and provided me with the means to conduct much deeper analyses related to everything surrounding fragrances, such as packaging or advertising campaigns. The lessons in Intercultural Communication (Dr. Drzewiecka, Jolanta ) made me more aware of how to create inclusive communication, respecting a multi-ethnic and heterogeneous audience. Thanks to Digital Fashion Communication (Professor lorenzo cantoni ), I learned the importance of words and how crucial they are for telling stories and positioning brands in the consumer’s mind. I must admit that working on social media while studying simultaneously was beneficial for me, as I could practice what I was learning as I did it.

Thank you very much !!


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