Is Pierre Cardin and Adcock Ingrams sharing the same business genetics, are they governed by one body?
Have you noticed how similar is these businesses trademark(emblem)? I am sure you have not! What am I talking about, the one company is famous for shoes and the other for skin treatment. Did you know that Adcock Ingrams expanded in medicine, and they employed Optometrist, ? Or maybe they started with Optometry and then expanded to Dermatology? I am thinking that Pierre Cardin was a Podiatrist that emerged from the school of Medicine called Adcock Ingrams or vice versa. This is what I call entrepreneurship, let me put it right, this is what I call understanding of INCENTIVES.
You will understand all the bits and pieces that I have been sketching down for you here with my articles. The first time I knew about Adcock Ingrams frame for prescribed glasses was when an old Analytical Chemist woman was wearing them at the hospital. Me being me and liking to appear smart in our conversation I wanted to compliment her about her beautiful strong frame of glasses and I said: Oh Manuella you are wearing a Pierre Cardin glasses? She said harshly: No you are wrong! Look at it. I promise you all; I thought to myself , but I could not think. Then I asked her what she did for a living; she told me she is an Analytical Chemist and her husband is in IT. She further told me that they served jail sentence in one country for being themselves.
I asked Manuella which company housed that frame of hers and she told me they were housed by Ingrams. So now please arrest my case! Have I not spoken about copied potential? Have I not strongly spoke against people being ENcouraged to BECOME entrepreneurs? What is Innovation? I do not have the background of The Mercantile Law and I do not also have the present of MBA but I can tell you this much about Pierre Cardin and Adcock Ingrams; the two confused the map of my brain, simply because of the hidden agenda of the secondary business proposal on the one's innovative team. Take a look at their trademark.
Can you imagine what happened to the employees of the company that gave birth to that trademark, when it was given birth to the one outside its field? My brother bought me Roccobarocco sunglasses 1998, I used the frame for my prescribed glasses, I have worn the frame ever since only changed glasses, the frame is still intact, my eyes can see. I just wonder how old is Manuella's Adcock Ingram frame of her prescribed glasses. I was given a Miu Miu sunglasses by a friend in 2016 December , it has been broken since last year.
Unless we coach ourselves to be different from what we are today, we will remain business people forever. The hidden agenda or agendas between Pierre Cardin and Adcock Ingrams ' trademark (emblem) are what we are reaping; Miu Miu. I am not against anybody becoming better than myself or better than anyone else, but I hate sordid competition. You do not know what it took someone to invent anything! Good or bad! It is better to sell magwenya(fatcakes) at a corner than to sell Miu Miu for a living, believe me I know what I am talking