There is a constant existential question regarding peace of mind inherent within every dentist I have ever worked with – and that number of dentists is now well into the hundreds. The underlying question to attain contentment, serenity, and tranquility is a primary driver in determining a dentist's perspective of dental practice and themselves as a dentist.
The contention made by many consultants, education and training centers, DSOs, conference speakers, and capitalists all affirms peace of mind can be attained through substantial growth and greater profits, as evidenced by the headlines of C.E. courses like the one above.
Unfortunately, their claim for peace of mind will always turn out to be a fable, a fantasy, a fiction, a myth. Their answers only lead to false hopes, disappointments, and resignation.
Add the endorsements of this fiction by social media, blogs, videos, audio, books, and podcasts that likewise maintain peace of mind can be achieved through enterprise growth and greater profitability. But, unfortunately, more significant profit and increased growth leading to peace of mind is simply an illusion, a mirage.
"If you're digging a hole in the wrong place, digging it deeper doesn't help anything."??- Seymour Chwast
I have coached many dentist-owner-entrepreneurs through accelerated growth and better profits. I've coached and consulted building championship, senior executive teams. I've walked the path with dentist entrepreneurs from 6 to over 600 practices.?
I've been a thought partner and adviser for dentist entrepreneurs in their leadership development, business growth, M & A strategies, and corporate advancement. But not once, not ever, did financial success or practice growth ever yield lasting peace of mind. Never.
In fact, in most instances, advancing what was achieved, preserving that intense competitive edge, staying ahead of the competition, sustaining visionary zeal, none led to peace of mind, many times, just the opposite.
I appreciate and acknowledge the constant burdens of managing cash flow, increasing market share, improving EBIDTA, building a purpose-driven C-suite, the ever-present issues of recruiting and retaining dentists and hygienists, and of course, the pressures of dealing with investors. I stand on that burning plank with my clients.
I welcome business context for developing leadership, executive management skills, and team-building abilities. It keeps them and me at stake, engaged, and constantly learning and developing. It's always an ego, identity, self-concept challenge—a tremendous arena for growth.
Furthermore, the current uncertainties generated by Covid, supply chain disruptions, inflation, and unstable politics, add a whole other dimension to business challenges. But even when these challenges are met, peace of mind cannot and will not be realized.
The profit and growth path is bound one-way, outward. But, unfortunately, peace of mind is not a stop on this outbound route. Where peace of mind exists is on the inward journey. You don't find peace of mind outside your mind.?
Peace of mind cannot survive in a mind that plots, desires, manipulates, flares up in anger, judges, assesses, faults, and is full of destructive self-judgment. ?
Peace of mind cannot be present in a mind that occurs in waves of negative emotions and thoughts that go on and on, asserting, validating, and confirming the existence of things as perceived.?
Peace of mind cannot occur in a mind that creates reality through affirming, validating, and verifying reality by fragmenting, conceptualizing, and solidifying experience.
Peace of mind cannot occur in a mind that is easily shifted, highly vulnerable to external influences, responding in unexamined and unconscious ways of conditioning.
To have peace of mind requires working on the mind as itself. But, unfortunately, the mind only aimed at profit and growth has little if any desire to observe itself. It's just air to the bird, water to the fish, and mind to dentist-entrepreneurs. Therefore peace of mind is not possible. ?
For dentists to have peace of mind, they need to examine and recognize how and why their minds operate as they do. You can't have peace of mind until you understand how your mind works.
There are several routes to become a witness to how your mind works. Socratic inquiry, Zen and Hindu Buddhist meditation, cognitive psychology, and psychedelics - all are methods utilized, many times in combination - to witness your mind.*
Few dentists differentiate their minds from themselves. They are their minds; they do not have a mind. Until they can witness their minds and their mind's mechanics and "mishegas," there can never be peace of mind.
So to begin this new year, let's at least dispel the unspoken expectation. Let's stop the hype and glaze. Let's dispel the myth. Let's dismiss the notion that increasing revenues and expanding your footprint will bring peace of mind. It won't and never will.?
Peace of mind is only attained by making peace with your mind. And until you can witness your mind, you can't make peace with it.?
Elder & President
MBC Consultants Inc. LLC
Wisdom for Leaders