Pieces Of The Procrastination Puzzle
Your list of things to do is becoming more prolonged, but you don't want to start checking things off. Most college students wish they knew how to quit procrastinating—from procrastinating on studying to procrastinating on turning in that assignment.
Did you know that there are legitimate explanations for why you could be slowing things down? So, learning how to avoid procrastination can become more straightforward if you can get beyond these hurdles. We'll share them with you so that you may excel as a college student and make the most of your time management abilities.
Piece 1: Understanding procrastination
Despite what most people may claim, procrastinating seldom involves being lazy. In actuality, we often work furiously for extended periods of time right before our deadlines when we delay. Laziness is the antithesis of hard work, therefore it can't be why we put in the effort. What causes us to put things off, and more importantly, what can we do to stop it?
Some claim they postpone because they are lazy, as was previously indicated. Others assert that they "work best" under pressure and "perform better" when they put things off. We urge you to evaluate and be reflective of the reasons that you try to give yourself. Almost everyone who claims this often procrastinates and hasn't finished a significant academic job that they planned, carried out, had time to evaluate, etc. before the deadline. Consequently, they are unable to compare which conditions they perform best in. You cannot honestly claim that you "perform better" under pressure if you practically never start your work on time and never actually approach them methodically.
Additionally, procrastination is not just a result of having bad time management abilities; it also has deeper, more intricate psychological causes. In schools where students are continuously evaluated, especially in colleges where there is a lot riding on students' success, these dynamics are frequently made worse. In actuality, students' procrastination is frequently a form of self-defense. It makes sense that students would want to put off their work when there is so much pressure to achieve a decent score on, for example, a paper.
Most of the time, the reasons we put off or postpone something are motivated by feelings of anxiety and fear: fear of failing, fear of succeeding too well, fear of losing control, fear of seeming foolish, fear of having one's sense of self or self-concept questioned. To prevent others from evaluating our ability, we avoid performing tasks. And if we do succeed, it makes us feel "smarter" overall. So what steps can we take to combat our procrastination habits?
Piece 2: Be aware and reflective of this habit
In order to stop procrastinating, you must first grasp the REASONS WHY you do it as well as the purpose it serves in your life. If you don't fully comprehend the root cause of the issue, you can't come up with a workable solution. The secret to learning how to quit procrastinating is awareness and self-knowledge, just like with other difficulties. For many people, seeing how procrastination shields them from feeling inadequate and remembering this when they are tempted to relapse into old, fruitless postponing patterns goes a long way toward curing the issue. It is simpler to quit delaying when we are aware of our genuine motivations.
Your individual experience may be a reflection of some or all of these factors.
Unclear goals:?It could be tougher to comprehend why you must do certain things if you don't have any definite goals for what you hope to achieve.
Fear of failure:?Procrastinators frequently express their fear of failing out of sheer fear of failing, which is all too typical. To prevent this possibly unpleasant sensation, they would thus prefer not to begin.
Overwhelm:?You might not know where to begin if you have a lot going on in your personal or academic life.
Anxiety:?Whether it's a homework assignment or exam results, you could have anxiety or worry about the possible consequences of whatever you have to do.
Perfectionism:?The concept of perfectionism frequently goes hand in hand with the fear of failing. If you want everything to be flawless, you might not want to start anything because you want to avoid any defects or errors (which are inevitable).
Lack of motivation:?It's conceivable that you lack motivation as a result of having undefined or distant goals.
Piece 3: Tackling techniques
Now that we've discussed some of the causes of students' procrastination in the first place, let's look at some top strategies for learning how to put an end to procrastination.
Get Organized
The organization is essential to avoiding feelings of being overloaded with tasks or having no idea where to begin. Using calendars, computer scheduling programs, or the tried-and-true practice of writing things down are all excellent tools for staying organized.
Set Deadlines and Reasonable Goals
Consider resetting your objectives if you tend to put things off because you believe they are out of reach. While you cannot specify the due date for an assignment, you may choose the deadline for completion. In a similar spirit, you cannot determine the dates of the tests, but you may decide when to begin studying. To keep moving forward and feel successful, you can divide these tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks.
Remove Distractions
There are times when there is no other way to desire to do anything. By eliminating distractions, you may set yourself up for this situation. Place the phone in a different room. Switch the TV off. Inform your pals of your hectic schedule. You may then free up your own time to check things off of your to-do list.
Take Breaks
Getting things done need not be unpleasant or draining. Don't forget to reward yourself for your achievements by taking pauses. Because you can anticipate the forthcoming break, this might also assist to enhance your drive to complete tasks. You may also tailor your holiday to be as enjoyable or restful as you like.
Reward Yourself
Breaks may act as rewards and assist to increase your drive, just like genuine prizes might! You can choose huge and little prizes in accordance with your preferences. Suppose you like to dine and explore new restaurants. Remind yourself that you'll reward yourself with a dining experience at the restaurant you've always wanted to try if you succeed on your next important exam. If you prefer fashion, you may also treat yourself to something new after your semester is over and you have a strong GPA.
Piece 4: Finding the drive to keep you motivated
You must continue to be motivated for PRODUCTIVE REASONS if you want to conquer procrastination. When I use the term "productive reasons," I mean motivations for learning and achievement that result in happy, fruitful, and fulfilling thoughts and behaviors. These motivations stand in contrast to doing something out of a sense of obligation to "show off," out of a want to avoid upsetting your parents, out of a desire to avoid seeming foolish, or out of a desire to avoid failing. All of these are valid reasons—and sometimes very strong ones—for taking action, but they are ineffective because they frequently elicit unhelpful unfavorable thoughts and behaviors.
Boring or tedious activities are seldom what we want to undertake. Aim to truly comprehend the content being covered in class, not merely to remember it or "get through it." Try, instead, too (1) find what interests and matters to you in the course materials, (2) create your own goals for each reading and class session, and (3) reflect on what you are learning by asking yourself (and others) questions.
Piece 5: Ask for Help
Ask your friends or other students for assistance if you are having trouble holding yourself accountable. If you cannot restrain yourself, you can assist each other in meeting deadlines. As you are accountable to others as well as yourself, having people in your life who will assist you in achieving your goals and objectives will help you manage your motivation levels.
The Final Piece: Give yourself time
While there isn't one method for college students to quit procrastinating, there are a variety of actions and routines you may do to go beyond this frequent difficulty.
If it's your first time, it can take a while, but if you receive something similar the following time, it will go more quickly. Everybody has to go through those first, laborious procedures before they became faster and more efficient.