A Piece on John Wick 4
Don’t hate me, I’m not special like you
Im’ tired and I’m so low ! (Porcupine Tree, Don't hate me)
When John wick has the dog, has a hope that he was still with a coin to claim a feather of heaven when he would have had enough of hell and had to take a break?
Killed him ?
Then what was left for him ?
Love gone, Dog gone
Not just John’s problem? Then the hotel manager cannot go outside with his freedom and stays in the hotel not just by choice! Finally, then, freedom is yet given a s a coin,
Thrown on the floor and said to pick it up and, “off you go”? !
When he does not know what is the meaning of the coin,
Destroyed my home ?
Why ?
John Wick seeing a high wish showing a gesture of seeking forgiveness! (John wick 4)
Makes him hope ,freedom?
without home existing,?
Then what is home ?
He may gent the answer
India what happens in the movie, let's not talk spout it now :),,
France Trinity happened (Matrix )
France democracy on table, if got to this contour, (champion GOT Model) champion of choice and the one to kill how ?
Demarcate the weapons and response 30 paces to 20 to 10
Wheraas Cain is reminded of his pseudo daughter’s demarcation issue, fuck? off he gets
John WIck gets to see the sun by the hotel manager ! What a beautiful sunrise !
30 up taken steps on the wood and mark in sound !
Acknowledged by the other and hence turned around !
Fire occurs and so does paces 20
Next !?
And then 10 and then
Empty !
Now that table is where they are standing,?
Only two!
How does he, who knows nothing much just words to be said?
Can upon the table and
A kill he try !?
Hotel Managers time !
Spat on the imperial tongue’s flying fuck
And Baba Yaga,
Brother Oh Brother
What a move
Brother Oh Brother
What a movie !