Pictures v Diagrams
A picture is worth a thousand words, words which come down to interpretation.
A diagram is not the same as a picture. A diagram also tries to explain how things work and minimise the scope for erroneous interpretation. They should be efficient and exist to communicate complex processes and structures quickly and effectively.
A diagram needs context and has rules (e.g. does a dashed line indicate a dependency or the flow of data? do red lines show key features or highlight problem areas?). And multiple views may be required to cover everything (e.g. the data model, conceptual model, component model, key interactions etc.).
And a diagram has a purpose underlying it, a raison d'être - why does it exist? what it is it trying to explain? to whom?
Stop drawing pictures and start drawing diagrams. Add context, description, explanation and provide multiple perspectives when necessary. A picture alone is not enough. Don't leave things down to interpretation.
For example, this is the cover diagram with the relevant explanation (my beloved Fairlight Secan 2.5 geometry size guide).