A Picture is worth thousand words but a Word is worth trillions of pictures !!!
Palanivel Rajan Thandhayuthapani
Data Architecture | Big Data | Data Engineering | AWS & Azure Cloud | Engineering Management
Sounds confusing !!. Confusion is a sign that we are starting to think.
Let's together get confused, stir up our mind for further confusion and then still the mind and in that calm state look at the world in totally different perspective. Come on join with me !!.
It's 11.30 PM !! -> A Calm Night and Pin drop silence from the Nature around. Let's pull out the artist, literature hat out of the box.
Me : A Picture is worth thousand words !!
X : Yes, we all know for last 100+ years as this is a well known statement.
Me: Wait !!. I haven't completed.
X : okay
Me : A word is worth trillions of pictures !!
X :How come ? . No great people have told this !!.
Me : How will I explain this guy. What am seeing thru is not mine but am just seeing thru the message as an observer.
X : Let me explain you.
Me : Think about a car. What car comes to your mind.
X : A BMW, blue color car, Sedan
Me : If you ask your kid, what color he will say
X : He loves Benz, Hatch back, Cool Black
Me : if you ask your wife, what color she will say
X : She loves red color cars, She loves Ford
Me : If you ask 100 people, what will they say
X : 100 different answers
Me : if you ask 10,000 people, what will they say
X : 10,000 answers (some of them might be similar)
Me : if you ask trillion people, what will they say
X : Trillions of combination
Me: You said one word - "Car". Trillions of people gave you trillions of answers. So isn't it "One word is worth trillions of pictures"
X : Yes. But let me sleep now !!
X : I should never talk to this guy, never after 10 PM !!.