#12: "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"

#12: "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"

Well, how about both?

Infographics are one of the best learning tools because they combine the visual with words to deliver a punchy parcel of excellent knowledge, quickly and succinctly.

We thought we’d change it up this week and share our top 5 infographics that will stick with you, reminding you of key soft skill tips and models to further your learning. (Pssst! All of our infographics are completely free, and there are over 50!).

#1 Gibbs' Reflective Cycle

The Gibbs Reflective Cycle, also known as the Gibbs Model of Reflection and Gibbs Reflection, has six stages of exploring experiences. These stages are description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. It is a useful tool that encourages critical thinking, in-depth learning, and professional development through reflection.

Bonus! This infographic also comes with an animated video to explain the 6 steps of the cycle in real-world terms.

#2 Eisenhower's Matrix

The matrix functions from two axes; the Y-axis or down-axis, is how urgent the task is, and the X-axis or across the axis, is how important the task is. By plotting each task into the matrix you can see in the top right of the 4 boxes those tasks that are important & urgent. These tasks should be completed first.

Bonus! This is one of three productivity power habits that make up the foundation of the Be Your Eagle planner, coming soon.

#3: Resolving Conflict

Life is busy, fast, and hard and these things mean conflict can arise. You can't avoid conflict, whether it be at home or work, sometimes it's inevitable. What you can do, however, is to understand how to properly resolve it without escalation. These 8 different methods will give you 8 tools in your arsenal to diffuse conflict and move forward.

Bonus! We have a resolving conflict podcast to accompany this infographic.

#4: How to Work From Home Effectively

Since COVID graced us with its presence, working from home has become standard practice, and ever since, most of us have been on a hybrid working pattern. Whilst you would assume the last 4 years have taught us how to work from home effectively, there are still things we all struggle with. This infographic looks at the acronym MINDSET to see how we could be more effective when working from home.

Bonus! Each of the 7 steps to this infographic has its own article to expand on their solutions and for you to get the most out of your work from home days.

#5: Affect vs Effect

This may seem like a slightly trivial reason for an infographic but, if you're honest with yourself, do you actually know when to use affect and when to use effect? Few of us do. Understanding the meaning will save you many wasted minutes of googling, and save your pride when John from HR replies to all and corrects your grammar.

Bonus! Read the full article for more on the difference between the two trickiest words in the dictionary.

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