Picture This
Spoken or written communication is much like walking through a Maze or Labyrinth. There are as many languages and dialects as there are directions. Selecting the correct word that describes your thought or image correctly and accurately depends on your vocabulary and the vernacular of the subject matter. An example of this is the illustration above. A nut can have 5 or more descriptions or names. Furthermore, when translating words to another language, one might notice that the original thought may be altered since the author wrote down their idea in their native language. When translating words to another language it is likely the exact meaning is either lost or at best deluded. The difference from one language to another distorts the message to some measure from its original thought which the author intended to communicate. It is for this reason that Patents are filed using a written description of the invention accompanied by art or drawings which clearly show what the invention is. Words can be misinterpreted where accurate artwork or drawings are exact.
Centuries before up to the time of the Tower of Babel, we as a species spoke a universal language as does all other animal species today. That language I am referring to, is pictures or thought forms. Our thoughts are visuals in flux. Back then they were projected by our psyche from one person to another. These visuals communicated in actual time communicated the absolute truth. That truth was our intended message to each other. A message direct and to the point which could not be altered by deception misinterpretation. These visual messages were conceived in the authors mind tempered by the emotion of their heart. Then, one could not lie for lies cannot be conceal only by smoke and mirrors which the mind does not project.
Today, those who sketch and are proficient in drawing, who paint images with clarity and realism are those who are rising above the generational curse placed on mankind following the Tower of Babel.
Each of us can draw, sketch and paint to some measure. Each of us have ideas that we wish to communicate from our thoughts and our emotions. Many try with sketches of symbols. Some of us draw a heart or stick people. Some of us draw a house or a bird in a tree. you may notice that children have a greater ability to draw than most adults. The reason for that is they are genuinely truthful and honest.
Everything has a beginning. At that beginning of life’s journey, there is learning from practice and the making of mistakes. The making of mistakes advances our experience from repetition in all areas of life This takes us farther along in mastering things. Communication is no exception. Art is Communication at the highest level. It requires practice like any other pursued discipline.
Photography is the capturing of time. Art is the communication of thought. When a photographer captures a moment in time, that moment becomes a visual the photographer selected to tell something. As such, it is the communication the photographer selected to relay in their message.