Pictorial Supplement to a Reassessment of Lincoln's 1854 Peoria Speech in My Book Lincoln's Rise to Eloquence
D. Leigh Henson
Professor Emeritus of English and writer. Lincolnian politically: 1.conservative/2.progressive. Career capstone: Lincoln's Rise to Eloquence: How He Gained the Presidential Nomination, University of Illinois Press, 2024
October 4, 1854, Abraham Lincoln delivered a major speech in Springfield, Illinois, as a response to a speech that Stephen A. Douglas had given there the day before. On October 16 Lincoln repeated a somewhat longer version of his speech in Peoria, then revised it for publication to reach a wider audience. Known as the Peoria speech, it presented the main antislavery positions and arguments, including criticisms of Douglas, that became the foundation of Lincoln's second political career, which led to his presidency. Pictorial supplement to a reassessment of Lincoln's Peoria speech (best viewed in Firefox): https://findinglincolnillinois.com/lincolnspeoriaspeechreassessed.html The Peoria speech is one of thirty I reassess in Lincoln's Rise to Eloquence: How He Gained the Presidential Nomination: https://www.press.uillinois.edu/books/?id=p088032 Also at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Lincolns-Rise-Eloquence-Presidential-Nomination/dp/0252045947