#PicksAndPiquesSnippetShortFilmsSeriesReviews14thApril2017 #JohnsonThomas

#PicksAndPiquesSnippetShortFilmsSeriesReviews14thApril2017 #JohnsonThomas

#PicksAndPiquesSnippetShortFilmsSeriesReviews14thApril2017 #JohnsonThomas

#TheStoryOfNinetyCoins(ShortFilmChinesewithEnglishSubtitles) Rating: * * * A romantic promise that seeks fulfillment, this film is about Hope and how recognizing the value of commitment can bring you love and happiness in it’s wake. An inspiring short that fulfills it’s promise in the shortest of spans. Great production and technical values make it a visually satisfying watch. #MichaelWong #E&TFilms #HersunProductions #HanDonjung #ShuangZhiqi #JoseAcosta #AnWei #BaiXuedan Runtime: 9 mins

#RomilAndJugal(Hindi/WebSeries/Streamingfrom16thApril2017) Rating: * * ? An enjoyable gay romcom, this one takes the filmy route to showcase it’s so called difference. It’s not different by any yardstick but it certainly gets a little bold and makes the most of an uncensored medium. The actors are likeable and the production values look decent. #NupurAsthana #ALTBalaji #CommuniquePR #ManrajSingh #RaenaParikh #RajeevSiddhartha #SuchitraPillai #ManiniMishra #MandiraBedi #VritikaRamnani #ShrishtiHarsh #KennyDesai #Bhuvneshwar #Mudita #Divina #EktaKapoor #DevDD #KenGhosh #SubhashChandraBose #HansalMehta #RajkumarRao  Runtime:10 episodes .

#MumbaiVaranasiExpress(Hindi/ShortFilm) Rating: * * In search of a meaningful life following a diagnosis of terminal cancer, the protagonist Businessman who neglected his health all along for material pursuits finds himself seeking moksh in Varanasi Benaras, Mukti Dham but fate demands another direction. This film is a lot similar to #SubhashishBhutiani’s award winning #MuktiBhawan even though it takes tricky unsatisfactory ending. Regular production values allow for a decent engagement. #RisingPhoenix #AartiChabria #SabinaPR #DarshanJariwala #ShekarShukla #VivekSingh #ResulPookutty #RoyalStagBarrelSelectLargeShortFilms Runtime: 31 mins


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