#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews7thJuly2017 #JohnsonThomas

#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews7thJuly2017 #JohnsonThomas

#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews7thJuly2017 #JohnsonThomas

#MOM(Hindi) Rating: * * * A revenge drama, this film about a Mom going smartly about gaining restitution for her traumatized step-daughter has it’s fine moments but there are some unpalatable glitches too. Sridevi hangs touh and credible while the supporting cast do their job well enough. #BoneyKapoor #SurinderKapoor #RaviUdayavar #Sridevi #NawazuddinSiddiqui #SajalAli #AdnanSiddiqui ##AkshayeKhanna #MADFilms #RaindropMedia #ZeeStudios #ThirdEyePictures #SrideviProductions #GautamJain #AnayGoswamy #GirishKohli #SunilManchanda #NareshChandraAgarwal #MukeshTalreja #KonaVenkatRao #ARRahman #MonishaRBaldawa Runtime: 148 mins

#GuestInLondon(Hindi) Rating: * * Witless and Clueless sequel to #AtithiTumKabJaoge this one tries to put together a string of contrivances and implausible procrastinations to allow for it’s sappy big idea of having unknown, unwanted guests overstay their welcome in a foreign country. Desultory and derogatory dialogues against our acrimonious neighbors are par for the course here. But the sentiment and the craft are definitely not appreciable here. #PareshRawal #Tanvi Azmi #KarthikAryan #KritiKharbanda #ParagDesaiPR #UniversalCommunications #  Runtime: 137 mins

#SpidermanHomecoming(English) Rating: * * * Awkward & Indulgent comic escapade. Not a grand homecoming , though a fairly interesting super-power development story, this one has a likeable hero putting on the mantle but the indulgent narration puts the brakes on total entertainment. #SonyPicturesIndia #SonyPictures #ParagDesaiPR #UniversalCommunications #RobertDowneyJr., #TomHolland #MarisaTomei #ZendayaNull #TonyRevolori #LauraHarrier #MichaelBarbieri #DonaldGlover#LoganMarshallGreen #BokeemWoodbine #HannibalBuress #KennethChoi 

#MartinStarr #MichaelMando #AbrahamAttah #TyronWoodley 

#MarthaKelly #TyneDaly #GarcelleBeauvais #TiffanyEspensen 

#AngourieRice #MichaelKeaton #JonWatts Runtime: 135 mins


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