#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews4thNov2016 #JohnsonThomas
Johnson Thomas
freelance at freelance Journalist Editor Biographer Feature writer,Film critic Book,Theatre,Art,Culture critic
#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews4thNov2016 #JohnsonThomas
#MrChurch(English) Rating: * * When a young girl and her dying mother are joined by a black male cook who comes to live with them, little do they know that their lives are about to change forever #EddieMurphy chooses to end his long hiatus from the big screen with this misguided interracial drama about what Negro nobleness has done for white people. Neither funny nor resounding. #BrittRobertson #NataschaMcElhone #XavierSamuel #LucyFry #ChristianMadsen #MckennaGrace #NatalieCoughlin #MadisonWolfe #LincolnMelcher #KathleenMcMartin #BruceBeresford #SusanMcmartin #WarnerBros #AnkitAgarwal Runtime: 104 mins
#MahayoddhaRama(Hindi/Animation) Rating: * * ? Where the antiquated animation technique bucks the storytelling smarts. #1HMedia #HemaUpadhyay #ShonellThakker #Diquerydotcom #ContiloeFilms #KunalKapoor #JimmyShergill #GulshanGrover #VishalMakhija Runtime: 106 mins
#2016TheEnd(Hindi) Rating: No Show.May just come back to haunt again
#DrStrange(English/Imax/3D) Rating: * * * Imax magnificence but little of significance makes this Marvel hero a retro- grade one. #ParagDesai #UniversalCommunications #Disney #Marvel #BenedictCummerbatch #RachelMcAdams #TildaSwinton #ChiwetelEjiofor #BenedictWong #MichaelStuhlbarg #BenjaminBratt #ScottAdkins #MadsMikkelsen #ChrisHemsworth #StanLee #SteveDitco Runtime: 115 mins
#Trolls(English/3D) Rating: * * * This film makes a metaphoric case against GenNext’s pursuit of materialism. The lesson being taught here is that over-consumption never leads to happiness. It’s when we tap into our own hidden talents that we reap everlasting happiness. Overwhelmingly sweet but quickly forgettable too. #FoxStarStudios #ShrutiSundaram #HimanshuTewari #AnnaKendrick #JustinTimberlake #ChristopherMintzPlasse #ZooeyDeschanel #MikeMitchell #WaltDohrn Runtime: 92 mins
#Ventilator(Marathi) Rating: * * * A satire on the joint family converging at the death bed of a loved one. This one is likeable though a little too overwrought. #RajeshMapuskar #PriyankaChopra #AshutoshGowarikar #MadhuChopra #PurplePebblePictures #MediaBuzzPR #KartikeeYadav #JitendraJoshi #SatishAalekar #SukanyaMone #VijuKhote Runtime: 143 mins