#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews26thMay2017 #JohnsonThomas
Johnson Thomas
freelance at freelance Journalist Editor Biographer Feature writer,Film critic Book,Theatre,Art,Culture critic
#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReviews26thMay2017 #JohnsonThomas
#SachinABillionDreams(Hindi/English) Rating: * * * An emotionally charged bio-docu-drama that focuses mainly on the good parts of Sachin’s heroic sporting career with brief glimpses of hardships and tragedy- minus the few negatives that plagued his illustrious young life. This film concentrates on being an all-round fan pleaser rather than be true to the human being within the super-sportsman. #SachinTendulkar #200NotOut #CarnivalMovies #JamesErskine #RamakantAchrekar #HarshaBhogle #SunilGavaskar #ShaneWarne #WasimAkram #RamakantAchrekar #AnjaliTendulkar #ArjunTendulkar #Sara Tendulkar #AjitTendulkar #SpicePR Runtime: 148 mins
#ThodiThodiManmaaniyan(Hindi) Rating: * * this movie aims for a coming-of-age affect but the director isn’t able to make it stick. The plotting is wayward and performances not as affective as they could have been. Nevertheless it’s still better than some of the movies that we are subjected to week in and week out #AshwaniKumarShukla #AltairMedia #ArshSherawat #ShrenuParekh #SilpaTulaskar #MikeshTiwari #RahulRajMalhotra #KuldeepSarin #AdityaSarpotdar #NH8Films #JumpingTomatoMarketingPvtLtd #AjinkyaKishore #ParamKalra #AmjadKhan #SatishKumar #RohandeepSingh Runtime: 110 mins
#Sargoshiyan(Hindi) Rating: * * It’s clichéd and fanciful. When what’s meant to be a ‘whisper’ gets louder than a banshee-in it’s attempt to smooth over troubled waters by turning a blind eye to all sticky issues. It’s basically a wishful reality borne out of fantasy. #WasimPR #AshwaniKumarShukla #AltairMedia #FaridaJalal #ImranKhan #IndraneilSengupta #HasanZaidi #AlokNath #SaraAfreenKhan #AditiBhatia #VijayVerma #ImranKhanFilmProduction Runtime: 92 mins
#LostCityOfZ(English) Rating: * * ? British explorer Col. Percival Fawcett’s exploits as an explorer searching for a lost city(#ElDorado) in the Brazilian jungles forms the basis of this adaptation. It’s interesting and absorbing enough but there’s no thrill or excitement to it. #CharlieHunnan #RobertPattinson #SiennaMiller #TomHolland #EdwardAshley #AngusMacfadyen #IanMcDiarmid #CliveFrancis #DavidGrann #JamesGray #PlanBEntertainment #BazingaPR #PVRPictures Runtime: 141 mins
#PiratesOfTheCarribbeanSalazarsRevenge(English) Rating: * * * Impressive special effects and spectacular visuals step in as antidote that takes the edge out of wearingly frenetic antics. the supernatural wonder unleashed by the trident is a sight to behold. A lot of the action we witness here isn’t like anything we’ve seen before. #JohnnyDepp #JavierBardem #GeoffreyRush #BrentonThwaites #KayaScodelario #KevinMcNally #GolshiftehFarahani #DavidWenham #StephenGraham #AngusBarnett #MartinKlebba #OrlandoBloom #KeiraKnightley #JoachimR?nning #EspenSandberg #ParagDesaiPR #UniversalCommunications #DisneyUTV Runtime: 129 mins
#WarMachine(English/NetflixPremier) Rating: * * ? An absurdist take that aims to expose the futility of war, this film on America’s seemingly never-ending-presence in Afghanistan is a little too caricatured to be effective #BradPitt #PublicisConsultantsAsia #AkankshaSingh #NetflixOriginalFilm #PlanBEntertainment #MSLMedia #EmeryCohen #RJCyler #TopherGrace #AnthonyMichaelHall #AnthonyHayes ##JohnMagaro #ScootMcNairy #WillPoulter #AlanRuck #LakeithStanfield #JoshStewart #MegTilly #TildaSwinton #SirBenKingsley #DavidMichod Runtime: 122 mins